Who turned off the lights?
Water Water Everywhere
Food: love it, hate it, can't live without it.
Storm Chasers
Engineer Who? You!

This nation leads the way in most gasoline use.

Who is the United States?


The general name for the rising and falling of sea levels in response to the forces exerted by the Moon and Sun?

What are tides?


In Europe and North America, about how much food is thrown away or wasted per person each year?

A) 10 pounds (4.5 kgs)
B) 50 pounds (22.7 kgs)
C) 100 pounds (45.4)
D) 200 pounds (90.1 kgs)

What is 200 pounds (90.1 kgs)?


This type of storm typically develops over warm, tropical water near the equator.

What is a hurricane?


Typically, the type of engineer that gets to design things like this. 

What is a Biomedical Engineer?


A source of energy that is renewable.

What are wind, solar, hydro energies?


This percentage of the world's water is drinkable.

What is about 3%? (much of this is inaccessible)


Without this insect, 100,000 plant species would cease to exist. 

What are Bees?


Where hurricane Harvey hit landfall in 2017.

Where is Texas (Houston area)?


Typically, the type of engineer that get to design these. 

What is a Mechanical Engineer?


Found in the earth, this resource is non renewable and responsible for pollution.

What are fossil fuels?


An area of land drained by a body of water is called this.

What is a watershed?


Composting can reduce your household waste by this much.

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%

What is C. 50%?


A giant crushing ocean wave triggered by an earthquake that is strong enough to flatten a city.

What is a Tsunami?


Typically, the type of engineer that gets to design cool things like this. 

What is a Civil Engineer?


This country produces the most energy in the world.

What is China? 


This type of pollution causes algal blooms.

What is nutrient pollution?


Movement of energy in a sequence.

What is a Food Chain?


A wetlands' ability to store water can reduce damage associated with these.

What are floods?


This type of engineer could get an amazing job creating more delicious mac and cheese.s food. 

What is an Agricultural Engineer? (Also acceptable Biological Engineer, Food Process Engineer, Food Engineer)


Mary Teresa Barra, the CEO of General Motors, AND Ginni Rometty, the CEO of IBM, both earned their bachelors degree in this engineering discipline. 

What is Electrical Engineering?


Zena Cardman (pictured), a Penn State graduate student, studied tiny organisms that thrive deep in the ocean while pursuing her master’s degree in this scientific water-related discipline. She is now on her way to becoming a NASA astronaut. 

What is Marine Science? 


Indra Nooyi (pictured), the CEO this fortune 500 food and beverage conglomerate, earned three bachelors degrees in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

What is PepsiCo?


Katherine Johnson, who graduated in 1937 with bachelors degrees in Mathematics and French at the age of 18, had this 2016 movie made about her work on orbital mechanics at NASA.

What is Hidden Figures?


This type of engineer might work for companies such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and SpaceX.

What is an Aerospace Engineer?