You got me Fell Cleaving my way into your heart.
Catgirls, Catgirls everywhere...where am I?
Limsa Lominsa
The most popular tomestone to rule them all.
You are uncontainably jubilant!
Hey, you're not the only one with a scythe, Mr. Reaper.
Friendship ended with Regalia, everyone's new best boy mount from FF16 Collab is this doggo.
Equip the right one for the right job, comes in different shapes and colors. For ages level 30 and up.
Soul Stone
You disagree vehemently.
Technically, I don't need a partner but I'm often reminded I need one.
ARR is for 'A Realm Reborn', HW is for 'Heavensward', DT is for?
*ding ding* The retainers come forth.
Summoning Bell
You agree wholeheartedly.
I make sure to take care of my wood every morning.
The national card game not just in FF8 but also in Eorzea.
Triple Triad
It comes in 6 different flavors: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning and Water.
You make a consoling gesture.
White, Black and Blue -- I'm not one of them.
Red Mage
Once the Ley Lines are down, I ain't moving.
Black Mage
What's life without music. And what's an orchestrion player without these things?
Orchestrion Roll
You bury your face in disbelief.