Amy can’t play an instrument, but she has a very good voice. She wants to __________.
a. teach music
b. become a singer
b. become a singer
I __________ rock. It’s too loud.
a. like
b. hate
b. hate
I really want to __________ one day and be on TV and play at big festivals.
a. become famous
b. teach music
a. become famous
She __________ playing the piano. She prefers the saxophone.
a. doesn’t like
b. loves
a. doesn’t like
1 My dad can help me __________. Then I can upload it to Youtube.
a. go on tour
b. make a music video
b. make a music video
My mum __________ listening to opera. She often goes to watch it.
a. loves
b. hates
a. loves
My sister is a famous classical musician. She __________ in our town every summer.
a. gives a concert
b. becomes a singer
a. gives a concert
Lots of people __________ hip-hop, but I think it’s great.
a. like
b. don't like
b. don't like
When bands __________, they play concerts almost every night in lots of different places.
a. become a singer
b. go on tour
b. go on tour
She __________ listening to opera. She prefers pop music.
a. doesn't like
b. loves
a. doesn't like