Vocab 1
Vocab 2

Who is Charlie Gordon?

He is the protagonist who is being tested on to see if the surgery works to help increase his intelligence. He works at Donner's Bakery, and is often made fun of by others.


What is Charlie's IQ at the beginning of the progress report?



Who is Algernon?

A mouse that is also undergoing the same surgery as Charlie.


Use perplex in a sentence.

EX: I was perplexed at the fact that Josh did not know how to use perplex in a sentence.


Use regress or regression in a sentence.

EX: The boy matured over summer, but unfortunately regressed back to his original personality.


Who is Alice Kinnian?

Alice is Charlie Gordon's teacher. She suggested he have the surgery done and she is very nice to Charlie.

Why did Alice recommend Charlie for the procedure?

Charlie has shown an eagerness to learn in her class, so she thinks he would be good for the procedure.


What puzzle do Algernon and Charlie compete in? Who wins every time?

They compete in a maze, and Algernon always wins.


Use marooned in a sentence.

EX: Sometimes, when Ethan P. gets out of hand, he gets marooned to is own separate table.


Use opportunist in a sentence.

EX: Some students are opportunists as they try to finesse their teachers into giving them higher grades, rather than studying.


Who is Dr. Strauss?

Dr. Strauss is a brain surgeon who performs the surgery on Charlie. He also acts as Charlie's therapist.


Where does Charlie work?

Donner's Bakery


What book does Charlie want to read after his procedure?

Robinson Crusoe


Use degenerate in a sentence.

EX: Although the medicine was working, she still showed that she was degenerate as her test scores declined.


Use cognition in a sentence.

EX: Many students do not realize that reading is the easiest way to develop their own cognition.


Who is Professor Nemur?

Professor Nemur is another scientist who helps with the surgery that Charlie undergoes. He is a bit more negative and treats Charlie more like a lab subject than an actual human.


How is Charlie treated by others at his work?

He is not treated very nicely. They make fun of him and do not want to hang out with him.


Describe the machine that plays while Charlie sleeps.

It is a TV-like machine, that plays images and noises to help stimulate his brain and essentially increase his intelligence while he sleeps.


Use hostility (hostile) in a sentence.

EX: My students were acting hostile towards me because I gave the whole class an orange slip.


Use dissociation in a sentence.

EX: Students are dissociated with class when I call on them to answer a question and they don't know what I said.

What does "pulling a Charlie Gordon" mean?

It is what Charlie's coworkers say in reference to someone doing something dumb or incorrectly.


What memory does the machine that plays while Charlie sleeps, trigger?

It triggers a machine about Alice and his first day learning in her class.


Use interim in a sentence.

EX: Mrs. Healy was kind enough to be our interim math teacher while we looked for a permanent one.


Use adroit in a sentence.

EX: Students are adroit at sports as they practice and play all of the time.