When was the Smith-Hughes Act passed?
How many officer positions are there?
Where is the President stationed?
Rising Sun
When was the National FFA Organization Founded?
Classroom/ lab, FFA, & SAE
Name one of the states that received their National FFA Charter in 1928.
Virginia, Arkansas, New Jersey, California, or South Carolina
Is it true that you must be enrolled in a agriculture course to receive your Greenhand Degree?
Where is the Vice President Stationed?
The plow
What year were women allowed to join FFA?
What are the National FFA Colors?
National Blue & Corn Gold
When was Public Law 740 passed?
What is the highest degree a FFA member can earn?
American Degree
Where is the advisor stationed?
The owl
Who was the first elected National FFA President?
Leslie Applegate
"I believe"
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
Which type of membership is for supporters of FFA?
Where is the secretary stationed?
Ear of Corn
Where is the National FFA Convention currently held?
Indianapolis, Indiana
Career Development Event
When did the FFA merge with the NFA?
Which membership is for middle and high school students?
How many members are currently enrolled in the National FFA Organization?
Over 1 million- 1,027,273
What foreign country has FFA?
Puerto Rico