What does the owl represent?
What did the letters FFA stand for?
Future Farmers of America
What year was the FFA organization formed?
What is the "uniform" for FFA called?
Official Dress
What are the FFA colors?
National Blue and Corn Gold
What does the rising sun represent?
Progress of a new era in agriculture
In 1988 this became the official name of FFA?
The National FFA Organization
What year were females allowed to join FFA?
Another name for the zipper on your jacket is...
What is an SAE?
Ag related work or learning experience outside of class (Independent project)
What does the cross-section of corn represent?
Unity, corn is grown in every state of our nation.
Who is the author of the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
What is the FFA motto?
Learning to Do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.
White button up shirt, FFA tie, FFA jacket, black slacks, black dress shoes
What is a CDE?
Career Development Event
What does the plow represent?
Labor & Tillage of the Soil
What are the five degrees of active membership?
Discover, Greenhand, Chapter, State and American
What are the official FFA colors?
Corn Gold and National Blue
Describe official dress for females
White button up shirt, FFA scarf, FFA jacket, black skirt, black pantyhose, black close toed shoes
What are the three parts of the 3-circle model?
Classroom/Laboratory, FFA, SAE
Why is the emblem important to the FFA?
It represents the history, goals, and future of the FFA organization.
What is the FFA salute?
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Where was the first FFA Convention held?
What year was the official dress adopted?
What FFA Degree is available to YOU after you finish Basic Ag?
Greenhand Degree