Who is the chapter president?
Valerie Tribe
What are the FFA colors?
Corn Gold and National Blue
What breed of cattle has a hump on its back?
Which CDE has to do with cheese?
Milk quality
Where is the sentinel stationed?
By the door
What does CDE stand for?
Career Development Events
What do you call a castrated male cow?
Which CDE has to do with flowers?
Who is the officer that fills the role of president when the president is absent?
Vice President
Who wrote the FFA creed?
E.M. Tiffany
What do you call a female cow that has not calved?
Which CDE has to do with animal health?
Vet science
What is the maximum number of pins that can be on your FFA jacket?
What do we call zippers on the FFA jackets?
What do you call a breeding male goat?
Which CDE has to do with dirt?
What doe the owl stand for in the FFA emblem?
Knowledge and wisdom
What is the FFA motto?
Learning to do, doing to learn, earing to live, living to serve
What do they call some cross bred swine?
Blue Butts
Which CDE has to do with analyzing Bugs?