The three components of agricultural education
What year was Tuslaw FFA established?
Tuslaw FFA participates in this popular leadership event held annually in Columbus.
Ohio FFA State Convention
State Convention
Who wears the FFA jacket?
Active FFA members only
What is the official FFA motto.
"Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve".
How many FFA officers are serving Tuslaw FFA this year?
This is the name of the annual event that Tuslaw recognizes members achievements at.
What is the official salute of the FFA
The Pledge of Allegiance
The number of active FFA members in the Tuslaw Chapter this year
This ceremony is performed to officially open and close FFA meetings.
Opening and closing ceremony
The FFA creed begins with these three words...
I believe in....
To become a Tuslaw FFA officer you must complete 3 steps, what are they?
FFA knowledge test
What is a CDE and give 2 examples
Career Development Event
The official FFA colors are...
National blue and corn gold
Who was the 1st President of Tuslaw FFA?
Bethany Gingerich
What degree would be received at the National FFA Convention?
What is the American FFA Degree
Where is the FFA jacket made today?
Vanwert, OH