Who wrote the offical FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
What 2 specific colors are on the FFA jacket?
National Blue and Corn Gold
What does CDE stand for?
Career Development Event
What does LDE stand for?
Leadership Development Event
What does SAE stand for?
Supervised Agricultural Experience
What year was FFA founded?
True or False: Shoes worn with official dress can have a white sole.
In what CDE are participants required to evaluate and place classes of market or breeding animals?
Livestock Evaluation
In what LDE do participants recite the FFA Creed to a panel of judges?
Creed Speaking
True or False: SAEs are instructor-led?
Name one state besides Indiana that the National FFA Convention has been held in.
Missouri or Kentucky
In what CDE are participates required to take a 100 question test relating to the management of ag related business?
Farm Agribusiness Management (FBM)
In what LDE do participants run a mock meeting, using motions such as Lay on the Table?
Parliamentary Procedure
What is the main purpose of SAEs?
To develop real world skills outside of the classroom.
What year were women allowed membership?
How many pins may a member wear on their jacket?
How many CDEs are included in Individual Sweeptakes?
In what LDE are participants required to create a mock job application? Participants in this LDE will be required to go through a mock interview as well.
Employment Skills
What website do FFA members record and complete their SAEs through?
Who was the first National FFA president?
Leslie Applegate
What types of pins can be worn on the FFA jacket?
Officer Pins, Degree Pins, and Competition Awarded Pins.
How many CDEs are included in Team Sweepstakes?
How many LDEs are included in Team and Individual Sweeostakes?
How many different categories of SAEs are there?