When was FFA Founded/established ?
The Eagle stands for?
The STUDENT advisor/Advisor station marker?
When was the CREED adopted?
Who Competed in Extemporaneous Speaking?
What act established vocational agriculture courses?
The Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act
What does the OWL symbolize?
What is the Secretary's station marker/emblem?
The ear of Corn
The man who wrote the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
Who was on the FFA Livestock Judging Team?
(Livestock judging Kids CAN'T ANSWER)
Riley L., Chris M., Rusty M., Jacob A., and the Alternate Colin H.
When did the NFA merge with FFA?
In 1965. Raising memberships more than 50,000 members.
The Rising Sun signifies What?
Progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day
What is the Treasures Emblem
Bust of Washington
I believe in the future of farming with a ...
Faith born not of words but of deeds
how many FFA chapters are there in the country
around 7,757
In what year did the National Future Farmer magazine change its name to FFA New Horizons?
The plow signifies?
Labor and Tillage of the soil
What is the Reporters Emblem
The American Flag
I believe that to live and work on a good farm is pleasant as well as challenging;...
For I know the joys and discomforts of farm life
Who Competed in Prepared public speaking and has won 1st at the past 2 competitions?
Madison Naramore
1st- Federation
1st- District
What year did the FFA Alumni celebrate its 50th Anniversary?
The Cross Section of the ear of corn Signifies what?
Unity, as corn is grown in every state
What is the President's Emblem?
The Rising Sun
Reciting the FFA Creed is needed to receive your
Greenhand Degree
Name everyone on your OFFICER team and position.
Riley L.- President
Chris M- Secretary
Madison N.- Student Advisor
James S.- Treasure
Kat S.- Sentinel
Jordan J.- Reporter