Chapter Awards
Importance of Officer
Awards requirements

Starting as far back as 1928, has had camps at the state level. For the past 10 years, many state camp staff have been getting together for tours of the camps. 

While each state has different camps, they are all similar in a way. List 2 things that could be a factor in the different state camps. 

Summer camp is the only true camp that the state of Indiana has. An opportunity for FFA members to have fun with other members around the state.   Students learn about personal growth and team building by utilizing the low ropes course, enjoying speakers during the banquet, and also team sports events. It is a 4 day camp held in July.


Highest degree achievable. Requirements:

- Recieved state degree

- Graduated high school

- Earned and productively invested at least $7,500 or have earned and productively invest $1,500 and worked 2,250 hours in excess of scheduled class time

A) Greenhand FFA Degree

B) American FFA Degree

C) Discovery FFA Degree

American FFA Degree


Prepares and presents the minutes of each chapter meeting and prepares each chapter meeting. Third position 

A. Secretary 

B. Advisor

C. Treasurer 



2 in 1 (200pts) 

1) To earn the Chapter Degree you must submit a written application for the Chapter Degree AND have received the Greenhand Degree. 

True or False

2) The three categories that make up the Chapter Awards are community, members, and chapter. 

False or True

1) True

2) True


American Star Award receives...

a) $2,000 and honorary plaque 

b) $1,000 and award 

c) $1,500 and money 

a) $2,000 and honorary plaque 


At the state convention, do members participate in events or do they experience events?

For example, do they participate in general sessions, competitions, and volunteer activities? 

Or do they experience motivational speakers, award presentations, and exciting exhibits?

At the state convention, members experience motivational speakers, award presentations, exciting exhibits, challenging career development events, and plenty of entertaining activities. 


To earn the State Degree, you must have earned which degree? Name the latest. 

A) Chapter Degree

B) Discovery Degree

C) State Degree

Chapter Degree


To help in directing the work of the organization. Takes over meetings if the President is absent. Asked to advise from time to time. Second and Seventh position. 

A. Reporter/Secretary 

B. Sentinel/Treasurer  

C. Vice President/Advisor  

Vice President/Advisor  


Highest degree attainable

Received state degree

Completed 3 years of secondary school in agricultural education

Records of an outstanding supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program

Earned/productively invest at least $7,500 or invested $1,500 and worked 2,250 hours in excess to scheduled school time

50 hours of community service

A) Discovery Degree

B) American Degree

C) Greenhand Degree

B) American Degree


Which scholarship requires you to go into an ag-related major?

a) Chevy Trucks 

b)John Deere 


b) John Deere 


At the National Convention, do members participate or experience events? 

For example, do they participate in general sessions, competitions, and volunteer activities? 

Or do they experience motivational speakers, award presentations, and exciting exhibits?

Members at the national convention participate in many events happening. Members from across the country come together and participate in general sessions, competitive events, leadership workshops, and volunteer activities. 


1st of 5 degrees

Participate in at least one local FFA chapter activity outside of scheduled class time

Submitted written application for Discovery Degree

Familiar with local FFA program of activities

Knowledge of agricultural related careers and ownership and entrepreneurial opportunities

A) State Degree

B) Discovery Degree

C) American Degree

Discovery Degree


Informs the public about the club. Fifth position

A. Secretary 

B. Advisor

C. Reporter 



1st of 5 degrees

Grades 7th -8th 

Knowledge of agricultural related careers and ownership and entrepreneurial opportunities

Familiar with local FFA program of activities 

Submitted written application

A) Discovery Degree

B) Greenhand Degree

C) Chapter Degree

A) Discovery Degree


In 2016, 150 dealer-matching scholarships nationwide are offered, by 2017 it increased to 200...


b)John Deere 

c) Chevy Trucks 

c) Chevy Trucks 


Approximately how many people are invited to the Indiana State Convention every year? 

A) 535

B) 15,700

C) 12,500

Every year, Indiana invites 12,500 members to the State convention


Which three categories make up the chapter award...

A) Community, Service, members

B) Community, Members, Chapter

B) Chapter, Struggle, Motivation

B) Community, Members, Chapter


To lead the club and run club meetings. To care for the meeting and help the President in maintaining order.  First and Sixth position.

A. Advisor/Vice President 

B. President/Sentinel  

C. Reporter/Secretary  



Which degree has the following requirements?

FFA member enrolled in agricultural class

Can explain the FFA creed, motto, salute, and mission

Demonstrate knowledge of FFA code of ethics and proper use of the FFA jacket

Describe/explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors

Demonstrates knowledge of the history of the organization, chapter constitution and by laws

A) Greenhand Degree

B) American Degree

C) State Degree

A) Greenhand Degree


Proficiency Award receives....

a)$500 cash 

b) $500 and award 

c) award 


WLC ( Washington Leadership Conference ) is based off of four tenants, which are ME WE DO SERVE. Guess the description of each tenant. 

A) To become an engaged citizen we must first start with ourselves. Students identify what their top six strengths are (Things we are great at) along with their top six passions (Things we love to do. 

B) Once we know ourselves, and value other people, only then can we truly advocate. Students develop an advocacy plan that will help them advocate for a cause they are passionate about upon their return home. (Advocate: publicly recommend or support) 

C) No great task was ever accomplished alone. Teaching students that we must bring people together. When we bring different people together we must also appreciate, embrace, and celebrate the rich diversity that people who look, think, or were raised differently than us. 

D) The pinnacle of the conference happens on Saturday as we take part in our service day project. 





100 for every correct answer. 500 for all. 


List the Degrees in the correct order from first received to last received

A) Discovery, Chapter, State, Greenhand, American

B) Chapter, Greenhand, Discovery, State, American

C) American, State, Chapter, Discovery, Greenhand

D) Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American

D) Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American


Manages and keeps records of the clubs finances. Fourth position 

A. President 

B. Treasurer 

C. Sentinel 



Which is not one of the requirements for State FFA Degree?

State Degree is like a high school diploma, symbolizes you are a chapter leader. one step away from the highest degree. 

A) Received a Chapter Degree

B) Completed 2 years of agricultural education above 9th grade

C) Earned/productively invested at least $1,000 or worked at least 300 hours

D) Submit written application for American Degree

D) Submit written application for American Degree

You would only submit a written application for the degree in which you are working towards. The American Degree is the highest degree attainable and only about 3% of FFA members are awarded this degree. 


B.R.I.D.G.E Endowment scholarship receives...

a) $5000 (not guaranteed)



a) $5000 (not guaranteed)