The cross section of corn represents
What is common agricultural interest.
Rising sun signifies..
What is Progress/A new day in Agriculture
What is official dress for men and females
What is
When were african americans allowed to join the FFA
What is 1965
I believe in the future of Agriculture with a ... finish this sentence.
What is faith born not of words but of deeds
What degree do you have to have 1st to receive the Chapter FFA degree?
What is by getting your Greenhand degree, completing 180 hours of Ag education or above the 9th grade level (2 semesters)
Who is known as the father of the FFA?
What is Henry Groseclose
When was the females allowed to join the FFA
What is 1969.
How many paragraphs are there in the FFA Creed
What is five.
Eagle symbolizes..
What is the National scope of FFA
What is the FFA Motto?
Learning to Do
Doing to Learn
Earning to Live
Living to Serve
When did the FFA change its name from the Future Farmers of American to The National FFA Organization?
What is 1988
What are the official colors of the creed?
National Blue and Corn Gold
Owl represents...
What is Knowledge and wisdom
Which degree is the highest degree achievable in the National FFA organization
What is the American FFA Degree
Every good Ag program should have these three items... (the three circle model)
What is FFA, SAE, Instruction.