What are the official FFA colors? (be specific)
What are National Blue and Corn Gold.
Who founded Enloe High School? Bonus points to whoever can tell me his middle name.
Who is William Gilmore Enloe.
What is a bull?
What is an intact male cow.
Name 5 cat breeds.
What are.......
Where should the sliding portion of a rope halter be?
Name 4 Enloe FFA Officers?
Name 3 CTE teachers at Enloe excluding Ms. Joyner.
Who is.......
What is Ruminant.
What are working, herding, toy, hound, sporting, non-sporting, and terrier.
Define flight zone.
What is the distance around an animal where the natural instinct to move away is triggered.
When was the FFA founded? Within 5 years.
What is 1928.
What is CASA.
What are the two types of cattle and the two types of chickens?
What are dairy/beef cattle and layers/broilers.
What cat breed requires daily grooming?
What is the Persian.
When handling a bird where should your bottom hand be?
What is the breast bone, fingers securing the legs.
When were women allowed to join the FFA?
What is 1969.
What year were the towers built? Within 5 years.
What is 2006
How many piglets are in a single litter?
What is 12 to 13.
What is the term for dogs giving birth?
Where is the safest place to stand by an animal?
Where was the FFA founded?
What is Blacksburg, Virginia.
What year was Enloe founded?
What is 1962.
What is North Carolina the number one producer of in pounds produced.
Name the four types of aggression.
What are dominance, fear, territorial, and redirected.
What are the four danger points?