What are the FFA colors?
National Blue & Corn Gold
Who are our 4 advisors?
- Mrs. Carney
-Ms. Holloway
-Mr. Rodrigues
-Mrs. Lemons
-chickens, ducks, turkeys
-sheep & goats
What does FFA stand for
Future Farmers of America
What is the plow the symbol of?
symbol of labor and tillage of the soil
How many people are on the officer team?
Can you take AG Mechanics projects to the fair?
Yes! Join Rods class!!!!!
How many stomachs does a cow have?
Who wrote the FFA creed
E.M Tiffany
Who is our president?
Noah Boghosian
Who is the swine advisor?
How many years does it take a pineapple to grow
2 years
Who is stationed by the ear of corn?
The Secretary
How many conferences do we attend a year
How many animals can you sell for market at the fair?
What percent of the world are farmers?
In which year was the official blue corduroy FFA jacket introduced?
How many faces can a chicken recognize?
100 human and chicken faces