Classroom Conduct
Dress Code Dilemma
Attendance & Absences
Lunchroom Etiquette
School Rules 101
Technology Guidelines

What should you do if you need to leave your seat during class?

What is asking for permission?


This type of clothing if often prohibited to ensure a distraction-free learning environment.

What is clothes with offensive graphics or slogans?


This is the time frame students have to submit a written excuse after being absent from school.

What is three days?


This behavior is expected when waiting for lunch to ensure fairness and respect among classmates.

What is waiting quietly and not cutting in line?


This term describes attempting to gain an unfair advantage in an academic setting by taking answers or work from another student.

What is cheating?


This important action, typically done the night before, ensures that students have a fully powered device ready for the school day.

What is charging your Chromebook?


This action demonstrates respect for your classmates during discussions.

What is listening quietly and not interrupting?


At FFMS, this item must be worn for PE class.

What are athletic shoes or sneakers?


Arriving after this specific time in the morning results in a tardy mark for students at FFMS.

What is 8:25 AM?


This action is discouraged in the lunchroom as it can create distractions and messes.

What is throwing food or making loud noises?


This personal grooming choice is often made before arriving at school to smell nice. This should not happen in the classroom.

What is the use of perfume, cologne, or body spray?


This is how much it costs to use a Chromebook for the school.

What is $25?


What is the appropriate way to use your phone during class?

What is keeping it turned off and in your backpack unless instructed otherwise?

This rule is often enforced in hallways to promote visibility and foster a sense of community among students.

What is the prohibition of wearing hoods in the hallway?


This requirement must be met if a student is picked up by someone other than a parent or guardian before 3:20 PM.

What is having that person approved in Infinite Campus or providing a signed note?

This important responsibility involved students ensuring their lunch area was tidy and free of leftover food and trash before they left the table.

What is cleaning up after themselves?


This item is allowed in all classes if students are thirsty.

What is water?


Students should only use their Chromebooks for educational purposes and not do the following.

What is playing games or being on inappropriate sites?


What is the consequence of talking while the teacher is giving instructions?

What is missing important information and possibly getting into trouble?


This device is often prohibited during instructional time and in hallways to ensure students remain focused and engaged.

What are AirPods or other wireless earbuds?


Students must seek this type of approval from their teachers and principal at least five days in advance for an educational opportunity absence.

What is prior approval for an educational trip?


This rule requires students to remain seated during lunch, allowing only a few exceptions for leaving their seats.

What is using the bathroom or throwing out trash?


Athletes at FFMS are dismissed after classes end to prepare for practice or games at this specific time.

What is 3:20 PM?


This important responsibility requires students to handle their Chromebooks carefully and not to ........

What is not to damage their chromebook?


What is the expected behavior if your teacher asks for silence during a test?

What is to remain quiet and focused on your work?

FFMS has guidelines that restrict this type of clothing length for modesty reasons.

What are shorts, skirts, or shirts that are too short.


A student who misses more than this number of days may face academic consequences or required interventions.

What is 10 days?

During lunchtime, students are required to sit with this core class.

What is their core 3 class?


During this core class, students will be allowed to eat a snack.

What is core 4 class?


Students should never leave their Chromebook flat on the _______?

What is the floor?