What are the 4 'selfish' DPS classes?
(without party buffs)
Black Mage
Which two duties require a tank LB3 on normal difficulty?
Seat of Sacrifice
What's the first line in Gaius' elevator pitch?
"Tell me... for whom do you fight?"
How many times does Susano's sword need to be held back to stop it from wiping you?
Twice (the third time he just attacks)
Who is the first Scion to be called to the First?
How many starting classes (DoW/DoM) can you choose from?
(Double points if you can name them all!)
(Gladiator, Marauder, Lancer, Pugilist, Archer, Arcanist, Thaumaturge, Conjurer)
Which Araids have encounters with Doom debuffs that can only be removed through Esuna?
(There are 2)
Weeping City of Mhach - Forgall (The zombie one)
Dun Scaith - Deathgaze Hollow (First boss)
What are either of the dialogue options you can say to Emet-Selch immediately before the Hades trial?
(double points for both!)
"I challenge you, Emet-Selch."
"It ends this day. One way or another, it ends."
How do you dodge the triangle and square runes in Zodiark's trial?
Triangle: is a triangle with the tip at the rune, stand to the side of the rune
Square: move to the other half of the arena
Surely you haven't forgotten the name of your loving branch, little sapling?
Of course not Feo Ul
We love you Feo Ul
(fun fact: Feo Ul means "Treasure/Warmth of Moon/Darkness " in the Fae Language)
Which Tank gets their invuln the earliest?
Warrior (42)
(Everyone else gets theirs at 50)
What emotes, when used on Llymlaen in Thaleia, will cause her to target you with an ability dealing heavy damage and knockback?
(There are 3)
100 points for each of Grynewaht's voice lines from Doma Castle you can recite (there are 3).
How do Engels' arms telegraph his attacks in the Puppet's Bunker?
Left/right: the left/right half of the arena will be hit
Arms Raised: attacking the back half of the arena, then both sides
Arms lowered: attacking the front half, then the middle
Kan-E-Senna is the Elder Seedseer of Gridania. What race is she?
What is the maximum attainable Grand Company Rank?
Serpent/Maelstrom/Flame Captain
Which boss attack uses the same animation as Assize?
(I'll take the boss name, attack name, or duty name)
Who starts their boss fight by yelling 'In the name of the Emperor!'
Regula van Hydrus
(Heavensward Garlean with the 'O' horns)
Construct 7 has set your health to 9! It commands you to make your health a prime number, what circle are you standing in?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
C) 3
8+3 = 11, the only prime option
What is Estinien's last name?
(Wyrmblood is his title)
What is the highest raw potency attack in the game?
(Not counting BLU)
Hyosho Ranryu - 1300 potency
What is the maximum number of stacks of Notoriety you can acquire in Bojza?
Who delivers the last quote in the long walk in Ultima Thule?
(Double points if you know it!)
Ardbert: "Let's finish this."
(He also delivers the first: "If you need a push, I'll be right there behind you.")
How do you resolve Coronation (the tethered AoE lines in Sphene)?
Rotate clockwise to the next cardinal direction or corner, based on which AoE you're tethered to:
What is the name of the sylph Livia sas Junius roundhouses in ARR?
RIP </3