The Prophet who is known for wiggling his ears
Who is Thomas S. Monson
The man who slayed Laban
Who is Nephi
The Year of the First Vision
The Super Bowl champion of 2025
What is the Philadelphia Eagles
The capital of Spain
What is Madrid
The Prophet who had a son that was also a Prophet
Who is Joseph F. Smith
The First and Second Article of Faith
What is
1. We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in his Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
2. We believe that all men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.
On September 21, 1823 Joseph Smith knelt down in prayer and received the first of this number of visits from the Angel Moroni that night.
What is 3?
A field game consisting of brooms, bludgers and a quaffle amongst other items
What is Quidditch
This place is considered the smallest country in the world.
What is Vatican City
He established BYU-Hawaii in the 1950's
Who is David O. McKay
Book of Mormon was printed in this town
What is Palmyra, NY
When and where the first temple of the church was built
March 27th, 1836
Kirtland Ohio
The number of times the New England Patriots have attended the Super Bowl
What is 11
What percentage of air is in a single Twinkie?
What is 68%
The amount of time Howard W. Hunter was The Prophet
What is 9 months
The first two words of Jacob 4:4
What is "For, for"
What are the names of Joseph Smith's siblings?
Who are...
Don Carlos
Won the Daytona 500 for the second consecutive year in 2025
Who is William Byron
The fastest flying insect
What is the dragonfly
The pulpit in the conference center is made from whose tree
Gordon B. Hinckley
In addition to receiving 16 stones that were touched by the Lord to provide light, the Jaredites were blessed with a furious wind blowing them towards the promised land. These blessings helped make it possible for them to survive a journey that lasted this many days.
What is 344
What year did the prophet Joseph Smith receive the revelation to baptize the dead?
What is 1842 (probably)
1980's BYU quarterback went on to win 3 super bowls while playing for the San Francisco 49ers
Who is Steve Young.
How many Dunkin donut locations are in the state of NH?
What is 216