What is the Late Work Policy? (school wide)
1 day late- highest grade is 75
2 days late- highest grade is 50
3 days late- 0
What is expected of me during the beginning of class?
Be on Time, Read the TV/board, Get out supplies needed, Start working
What materials am I accountable for bringing to use in class daily?
Pencil and Eraser
What are students graded on/by for projects?
Art Rubric: Craftmanship, Technical Skill, Creativity, Following Directions/Effort
What is the Phone/Headphone Policy? (District wide)
No personal devices in classrooms at all, use Chromebook instead
Be fully present and responsible for your learning
What do I do if I don't know what to do?
1. Read the TV/board, 2.ask a neighbor, 3.ask the teacher
Where do I store my Projects/Sketchbooks?
In my portfolio/folder, or the designated shelf for my class period assigned by the teacher.
What are Performance Grades graded on?
Putting your best effort daily, staying on task, technical skill, completion of project/assignments
What do I need to do to go to the restroom? (school wide)
Write an Ehall pass and wait for it to be approved by teacher before going
What is expected during studio/work time?
Work Hard, Put your best effort, Manage your time wisely (stay on task)
T or F: I CAN stop working and clean up when I want.
How are sketches/project planning graded?
All requirements given for planning are completed, detailed sketches (different views/thumbnails), shading/value
How much extra time do I get on missed work if I am absent? (District wide)
Students get two days every one day they were absent. Absent work must be completed outside of class, not during class time!! Make sure to discuss due dates with your teacher.
What is expected of me at the end of class?
Clean up when teacher announces to (not when you want), Stay seated when done cleaning so you are not in the way
When can I start cleaning up?
When the teacher tells the class it is time to start clean up.
Can you do corrections on projects?
Yes! Even if you received a passing grade!
I am not good at art. Will I fail this class? How do I get a passing grade in art?
You will not fail if you TRY YOUR BEST, Effort is big in this class, take your time on your work and work the whole time given.
If you rush on your artwork just to get it done, if you are off task, or not working, you will struggle grade wise in this class.
What do I do if I am absent?
Ask the teacher what you missed/what you need to complete the day you come back.
T or F: I can go into the teachers office/storage room to get materials I need without asking.
What specific assignments are usually majors, minors, and others in art?
majors- projects, minors- sketches/project planning or technique/media studies , others- performance grades