What classes to you have to take as a freshman?
tech essentials, English 9, cardio health and PE
This elective you play with wet dirt.
Name one class you need in order to graduate.
English, math, PE, tech essentials, science, foreign language/art
Do you HAVE to take an honors/AP/DE course?
What happens if you fail a class required for graduation?
You have to take it again.
What classes do you have to take as a sophomore?
English 10 and World Studies
What is the elective in which you can act as someone different?
What class do you have to take all 4 years?
Talk to Mrs. Davenport or look in course catalog
What is a passing grade to receive credit for the class?
What classes do you have to take as a junior?
English 11 and US History
What elective can you brush up on your study skills, work on class assignments and play jeopardy?
study skills
How many years (semesters) of math are required in order to graduate?
2 years (2 semesters/20 credits)
Are the courses for honors/AP/DE taught by just the teachers on FHS campus?
No, some are offered on campus but others are through distance learning.
What is the lowest GPA you can have and how many "F"s are allowed in order to play a sport?
What classes do you have to take as a senior?
English 12 and Gov/Econ
What elective allows you to capture memories and beauty all around digitally?
Do you have to take 2 years of science in order to graduate?
Yes, life science and physical science. Such as earth science and biology.
What does AP stand for?
Advanced placement
What did you have for breakfast?
Name 2 other classes you have to take to graduate.
math, spanish/art, PE, electives (ceramics, study skills, drama, photo), physical science, life science
What electives can you use computers to make things?
ICT, graphic design
How many credits are required for graduation?
What does DE stand for?
Dual enrollment
There are 4 grading periods in a semester. When are they?
4.5 weeks, 9 weeks (mid way), 14 weeks and 18 weeks (end of semester)