Richard Dawkins mostly known as ...
On archeological site, the leader of archeological group, Cardinal Merrin, found the statue of ancient demon. It bears the name...
What was burned in "Fahrenheit 451"?
The main heroine in "Theatre" by W. Somerset Maugham has this occupation.
An actress
This is how the type of this book is called
Self-help book
Why is the book (The Selfish Gene) called so?
The genes are the only thing that goes through the ages almost untouched
The time of narration is set somewhere in ...
What is the name of the main character in the book "Fahrenheit 451"?
Guy Montag
The entourage of what century does the book "Little Women" convey?
19th century
The author questions this way of dealing with negative emotions
Combatting them, fighting them back
What are "The Memes"?
It is the genes of human culture
In America, Georgetown, ... was possesed by the demon
Regan McNeil
What was the main character's profession in the book "Fahrenheit 451"?
A fireman.
How many sisters were there in "Little Women"?
Four sisters
The author suggests dealing with negative emotions this way
To accept them
What's the main purpose of R. Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene"?
To popularize the science and the theory of evolution
To contact with spirits, you need to use this board:
Ouija board
What society did a government expect in "Fahrenheit 451"?
emotionless, egalitarian society
A part of human nature the title of the novel "Theatre" refers to.
Being insincere
This book can assist in dealing with these conditions
Anxiety and depression
The book uses the mix of these styles:
Scientific and publicistic
The book researches the confrontation of two philosophical views:
What is the central theme of "Fahrenheit 451"?
Why were the girls brought up by their mother in the book "Little Women"?
Their father went to war.
The reason why fighting with negative emotions doesn't help according to the author
They will come back anyway because it is natural to feel them