Central Idea

Using the excerpt from "The Wizard of Oz" What can the reader conclude about Dorothy? 

A She is scared by the sudden movement of the scarecrow.

B  She does not believe the scarecrow is real.

C She has never seen a scarecrow wink.

D She will not be friendly with the scarecrow.

C She has never seen a scarecrow wink.


Select the sentence that best states the central idea of the article, "Global Warming has Worsened Economic Inequality"

A Economic inequality across countries has been declining for decades.

B China’s economic boom has been a big reason, along with technology that has  brought energy and clean water to poorer countries.

C It has been taken as given that countries and populations most vulnerable are not the countries and populations most  responsible for emissions, and vice versa.

D Until this study, if someone was pressed to state exactly how much each country had been harmed relative to their contribution to global warming, those  numbers were not available.

D Until this study, if someone was pressed to state exactly how much each country had been harmed relative to their contribution to global warming, those  numbers were not available.


What is tone in a passage?

the attitude of the author


What is the plot of a story?

It's the plan that involves the beginning, middle and end and all in between.


Which sentence states a theme of the passage in "Two Travelers and a Bear"?

A Protect yourself above others.

B Misfortune is the test of true friendship. 

C You should always help someone in need.

D Worry about only yourself

B Misfortune is the test of true friendship.


What inference can be made about the scarecrow in the excerpt from The Wizard of Oz?

The scarecrow is alive.


What is the central idea of "What is Tuberculosis?"

A TB has become a widespread problem.

B  People with TB don’t always get sick.

C Most people don’t understand TB.

D TB is a relatively mild sickness.

B  People with TB don’t always get sick.


What is the tone of the passage, "What is Tuberculosis?"



In the passage, "Sherlock Holmes", How does the narrator advance the plot of the passage? Choose from the choices below...can be more than one.

1. is a heavy sleeper

2. is nervous about the whisper in the night

3. does not like the gypsies

3. does not like the gypsies


Which sentence states a theme of the passage, "Two Travelers and a Bear"?

A Protect yourself above others.

B Misfortune is the test of true friendship. 

C You should always help someone in need.

D Do not be fooled by those bigger.

B Misfortune is the test of true friendship.


Using the excerpt, "The Last Dream of Old Oak." Select two details that support the inference that the tree does not understand that the flies are happy. 

A On many a warm summer, the Ephemera, the flies that exist for only a day,

B had fluttered about the old oak, enjoyed life and felt happy and

C if, for a moment, one of the tiny creatures rested on one of his large fresh leaves,

D the tree would always say, “Poor little creature! your whole life consists only of a single day.

E How very short. It must be quite melancholy.”

D the tree would always say, “Poor little creature! your whole life consists only of a single day.

E How very short. It must be quite melancholy.”


How does the author develop the central idea in "What is Tuberculosis?"

A by explaining how TB works

B by comparing TB to other illnesses

C by specifying the similarities with a cold

D by telling a story abut a child with TB

A by explaining how TB works


Often you feel you’ve done nothing when you’ve actually done a lot. That’s because what you did do seemed beneath notice—it was so small that it didn’t “count.” But it did—just as each stitch counts toward a finished dress, each brick or nail toward a house you can live in, each mistake toward knowing how to do things right.

a. hesitant b. encouraging c. amused  

b. encouraging


In "Sherlock Holmes", How does the Helen advance the plot of the passage? Choose from the choices below...can be more than one.

1. is a heavy sleeper

2. is nervous about the whisper in the night

3. does not like the gypsies

all three


Which detail supports the theme for "Two Travelers and a Bear"?

A The Man in the tree climbed down.

B "It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear," he said.

C "What did he tell you?"

D "He said," answered the other, "that it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger."

D "He said," answered the other, "that it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger."


In the exerpt from, "The Last Dream of Old Oak," Why do you think the flies are so happy?

They do not know that they only live one day.


What is the central idea of a passage?

What the passage is mostly about...the main idea.


A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened germs that is injected under the skin and causes the blood to produce antibodies against the disease. Effective vaccines, for instance, have been developed for small pox, rabies, and polio. 

a. objective b. arrogant c. regretful

a. objective


Select the detail from the passage that shows why the people are running in the excerpt from "War of the Worlds".

A Thick streamers of black smoke shot with threads of red fire were driving up into the still air

B Apparently the Martians were setting fire to everything within range of their Heat-Ray.

C When I looked back again the second hill had hidden the black smoke.

D I slashed the horse with the whip, and gave him a loose rein until Woking and Send lay between us

B Apparently the Martians were setting fire to everything within range of their Heat-Ray.


Which sentence states a theme of the passage, "Project Hush"?

A Hiding something is wrong.

B Do not trust others to do the job.

C Safety for the country is important.

D It is hard to keep something a secret.

D It is hard to keep something a secret.


Explain what it means to make an inference.  What do you have to do?  What is an inference?

Making the best guess based on the information given.  Draw conclusions based on what the author is implying.


Where in the passage will you most likely find the central idea?

In the beginning or introduction


We have come together this afternoon to mourn the deaths of sixteen miners—our friends and neighbors—who were trapped by fire yesterday, deep below the earth. They lived bravely and they died too soon, leaving behind grieving wives and bewildered children. We bid them a final farewell. 

a. forgiving b. sorrowful c. angry

b. sorrowful


How does the setting affect the plot in "War of the Worlds"?

The description of the sunny and beautiful landscape compared to the streams of smoke and red fire on the hillside propelled the story into the conflict...a martian attack.

Which detail supports the theme of "Project Hush"?.

A Everything satisfied me about the security measures on our assignment except one

B But we were stuck with Project Hush and we had to take extra measures to ensure secrecy.

C Some idiot in Washington was actually going to list Project Hush in the military budget by name! 

C Some idiot in Washington was actually going to list Project Hush in the military budget by name!