Fiction Genres
Nonfiction Genres
Fiction or Nonfiction?
Which Fiction Sub-Genre?
Which Nonfiction Sub-Genre?
  • Involving futuristic science or technology. 
  • Elements of the technology or science may have some plausibility.
  • Frequently set in outer space or alternate dimensions

What is science fiction?

A story about a person's life written by that person.
What is an autobiography?

The Betty Crocker Cookbook is an example of this kind of writing.

What is non-fiction?


"Susannah told me that when I was born, she knew I was destined for one of her boys. She said it was fate. My mother, who didn’t normally go in for that kind of thing, said it would be perfect, as long as I’d had at least a few loves before I settled down. Actually, she said “lovers,” but that word made me cringe. Susannah put her hands on my cheeks and said, “Belly, you have my unequivocal blessing. I’d hate to lose my boys to anyone else.” 

What is romance?


The Autobiography of Malcolm X written by Malcolm X

What is an autobiography?


  • Elements of tension, fear, and suspense
  • Often includes supernatural or paranormal elements
  • Focus on the darker aspects of human nature and the unknown

What is a horror?

  • Covers topics like books, newspaper, or magazine articles.
  • It presents facts that are verifiable or provable.
  • Describes real events.
  • Characters mentioned are actual individuals.
  • Might include maps, diagrams, and illustrations to clarify the facts.
  • The author is knowledgeable about the subject.

What is informational?


A story that has a plot--beginning, middle, and end.

What is fiction?

Harry Potter was chosen to be the youngest Seeker ever; he was excited to find out that his father was also a great Wizard and was also chosen to be seeker.
What is fantasy?

"The one person who connected the three families affected was Susie Sharp Newsom Lynch, a young, beautiful mother. But how could an aristocratic Southern belle commit such heinous acts? As the investigations continued, more disturbing truths came to light—mainly surrounding Fritz Klenner, Susie’s cousin and lover who also had a passionate affinity for guns."

What is true crime?

  • Often feature themes of love, passion, and emotional connection.
  • The characters are usually well-developed and face obstacles to their relationship.
  • Happy endings are a common feature

What is romance?

  • Narrator tells a true story
  • Story is about people, things, animals, or events
  • Story can be current or historical
  • Information is organized around a central idea

What is a memoir?


Dr. Seuss is an example of this type of genre.

What is fiction?


"Sanda slapped her palm against the screen, leaving a goopy hand- print. Two hundred thirty years. It wasn’t possible. She’d heard rumblings that the Icarions were working on something big, but not big enough to wipe out two whole planets. Nothing in the universe man- made could produce that kind of power. She should know. Bero was messing with her. Some sort of sick smartship joke. They couldn’t all be gone. Dead. Dust between the stars."

What is a science fiction?


"When I was a kid, my aspirations were simple.  I wanted a dog. I wanted a house that had stairs in it— two floors for one family. I wanted, for some reason, a four-door station wagon instead of the two-door Buick that was my father’s pride and joy. I used to tell people that when I grew up, I was going to be a pediatrician. Why? Because I loved being around little kids and I quickly learned that it was a pleasing answer for adults to hear."

What is a memoir?

  • The story can be inspired by a true event
  • Characters behave realistically
  • The storyline could feasibly occur in reality
  • The characters' emotions and actions mirror real-life situations

What is realistic fiction?

A story about a person's life written by another person.
What is biography?

The instruction manual that came with your new Easy-Bake Oven would be considered this kind of writing.

What is nonfiction?


"The walkway was cool beneath her bare feet and she moved slowly in the dim light. She rounded a bend, and there on the creek bank loomed the old hickory tree, a lantern flickering at its base. But her grandmother was nowhere to be seen."

What is historical fiction?


The stocky, short-legged appearance of penguins has endeared them to people worldwide. They range from about 35 cm in height and approximately 1 kg in weight in the blue, or fairy, penguin to 115 cm and 25 to 40 kg in the emperor penguin.

What is informational?

  • animal characters may act like people
  • characters may have special powers 
  • characters may be imaginary beings
  • setting may be in another time (future)

What is fantasy?

  • Narrator tells a true story about people, things, animals, or events
  • Focuses on real-life crimes and investigations
  • Often includes details about criminal cases and legal proceedings
  • Provides insight into the criminal justice system and forensic science

What is true crime?

It's always about real places or events and gives dates when events happened.
What is nonfiction?
Sherlock Holmes had yet again investigated the scene of the crime and came to the realization that he was correct all along. He knew he had to call Watson right a way.
What is mystery?

"Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived during World War II, when people like her were killed just for being Jewish. Anne and her family were forced to hide in a tiny, secret space to try and survive, and Anne began keeping a diary to practice her love of writing and pass the time."

What is biography?