Who are you?
How'd that Story Go?
Detectives at Work
Watch your tone, Missy!
Isn't It Ironic
Which character type describes the main character of a story?
The protagonist is the main character of the story.
Which part of the plot is being described? (setting and characters)
What do we call reading between the lines to make a claim about a text?
making inferences
What is the acronym used to remember the difference between mood and tone? What does each letter of the acronym represent?
The acronym used to remember the difference is MR TA, which means Mood=Reader and Tone=Author.
When something is opposite of truth and reality, we have _____________.
When something is opposite of truth and reality, we have IRONY.
Name the three pairs of character types.
The three pairs of character types are protagonist versus antagonist, round versus flat, and static versus dynamic.
Which part of the plot is being described? (loose ends are tied up)
What is essential to a claim in order to convince others?
When a question on an exam asks you for the mood of the passage, what exactly are they asking for? What does mood mean?
The feeling the reader has as they read the story or passage.
Name the three types of irony discussed in class.
The three types of irony are verbal, dramatic, and situational.
There is one pair of character types that we may not use to describe all characters in a story. With that in mind, what two character types might we most often use to describe the majority of minor characters?
Most minor characters are flat and static.
Which part of the plot is being described? (turning point)
What do we use to explain our claims and evidence?
background knowledge, connections
When a question on an exam asks you for the tone of the passage, what exactly are they asking for? What does tone mean?
The attitude the author has toward the topic, situation, or characters of the story or passage.
The carpet of my bedroom floor hasn't been seen in months, but as Mom passed by my room, she said, "Wow, you deserve an award for cleanliness; this room has never looked better!" Which type of irony is being used in this passage?
Verbal irony is being used in this passage.
Ben begins the story as a shy kid who avoids being in the spotlight and avoids involvement in activities. Throughout the course of the story, the reader sees Ben begin to open up, join the basketball team, and make several new friends. Which character type is most appropriate for Ben based on the provided description? Why?
Ben could be described as a dynamic character because he experiences change throughout the course of the story.
Which part of the plot is being described? (problems get worse)
rising action
What are the three types of connections a reader applies to make an inference or claim in a text?
text-to-text text-to-world text-to-self
Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her fiancé and their wedding plans. What is the tone of the passage? What evidence supports your response.
Answers may vary.
A fire station burns down. Which type of irony is being used in this statement?
Situational irony is being used in this statement.
Which character type represents a reader having access to a character's background, history, motivations, personality, etc.?
When a reader has access to a character's background, history, motivations, personality, etc., it is a round character.
Which part of the plot is being described? (the conflict is introduced)
inciting incident
Staci walked into the room and her eyes instantly came across a twenty dollar bill on the floor. She looked around to see if there was anyone else was in the room. Nobody else entered the room for the rest of the day, but when Erica went back to find her lunch money, nothing was found. Erica was forced to eat a free peanut butter sandwich at lunch. What inference can you make about the passage? What evidence supports your claim?
Answers may vary.
The dark room only gave off a slight flicker of light from the corner. As she approached the candle, a dark shadow emerged on the cold, concrete wall, growing two, three times larger than herself. She continued toward the candle as her mouth became dry and her hands began to shake. She had no idea what was waiting for her. What is the mood of the passage? How is this mood established (evidence)?
Answers may vary.
A known murderer slips into the house and sneaks into the kitchen. Unknowingly, the woman begins to head to the kitchen for a glass of water. Which type of irony is being used in the passage?
Dramatic irony is being used in the passage.