Produce Wildcard

Keep it Clean...Although washing Potatoes is important, WHEN you wash them is the key...When is the best time for your customers to wash their Potatoes?

What is Before use? If you wash them prior to storage, the dampness could lead the Potato to break-down prematurely...


This type of lettuce is often the foundation of Caesar salads and has a crunchy texture.

What is romaine?


This onion variety is famously used in French onion soup due to its sweetness when caramelized.

What are yellow onions?


This variety of tomato is best for making sauces, thanks to its dense flesh and low moisture content.

What is a Roma tomato?


This fruit has more vitamin C than an orange, and chefs love using it in salsas, salads, and garnishes for its vibrant color and tropical flavour.

What is a bell pepper?


This Canadian-bred potato variety will make you think you struck it rich in the Klondike!

What is Yukon Gold….


Also known as ‘rocket’ in Europe, this peppery green is technically a member of the mustard family.

What is arugula?


These small, mild onions are perfect for pickling and are often served with cocktails like martinis.

What are pearl onions?


This process involves plunging tomatoes into boiling water, then an ice bath, to easily remove their skins.

What is blanching?


This root vegetable was the first to be successfully grown in space, making it truly out of this world.

What is a potato?


These crazy little guys "Pop Up" when a Potato is near the end of it's Shelf-Life and actually signifies the Potato is trying to Grow Again...

What are Eyes/Sprouts?


Oh this one is cold! This lettuce variety got it's name from the way it was shipped in the early 20th century on ice-packed trains.

What is Iceberg Lettuce!


This root vegetable, often confused with an onion, has a subtler flavor and is frequently used in vinaigrettes and fine French cooking.

What is a shallot?


This classic Italian dish features ripe tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil, typically drizzled with olive oil and balsamic.

What is a Caprese salad?


Day o! This fruit is technically a giant herb distantly related to ginger and is harvested by hand using a machete.

What is a banana?


Perfect for gnocchi, these potatoes are starchy and absorb less water when boiled.

What are Russet potatoes?


Variety definitely is the spice of life! A case of Sysco branded Spring Mix contains at least this many different varieties of Baby Lettuces in each box?

What is 8! Wow


This Italian onion variety has a high sugar content, that allows for caramelization which makes it ideal to use whole in stews, roasts, and casseroles.

What are Cipollini Onions?


If tomatoes speed up the ripening process of bananas, leafy greens, and onions if stored close together because it gives of this pesky gas.

What is ethylene?


This fruit, which shares its name with a famous bird, is native to China but became a symbol of New Zealand cuisine.

What is a kiwi?


This cooking technique, famous for French fries, gives potatoes a crispy exterior and fluffy interior.

What is double frying?


This leafy green is often referred to as a superfood due to its high levels of antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients.

What is Kale?


What green, stemmy garnish, related to celery, parsnips, and carrots is best to get rid of onion breath?

What is Parsley?


The best temperature to store ripe tomatoes to keep them fresh and juicy.

What is 55° F or 13°C?


This prickly fruit was a symbol of immense wealth during the 1500's, and it has ruined pizzas as a topping choice ever since.

What is a pineapple?