En una edicion de noticias de Repretel, el periodista confunde las fechas de un jueves 2 con un jueves 3, al cual se corrige pero dice la siguiente frase en television nacional.
"Me cago en la puta."
"A ti te quede grande
y, por eso estas con una igualita que tu, uh uh uh"
Are lyrics from this latin singer.
Who is Shakira.
This alert is usually triggered when a drive is not healthy and needs to be replaced.
Alert 60/5056
This movie is about an ogre that saves a princess from a castle protected by a dragon, but later falls in love with the princess.
What is Shrek.
This Great Wall that stretches out for miles is located in this Asian country.
What is China
En un reportaje, Italo Marenco entrevista a una pareja la cual el confunde a un joven con ser el hijo de la senora, al cual ella le contesta con esta frase.
"No es mi hijo, es mi esposo."
"Ayer me dijiste que tu me querias
pero todo fue mentira"
This song's name is from latin singer Juanes.
What is La Paga.
This alert is in regards to NPIV support going from supported to not supported.
What is 150.
This horror thriller movie starring Sandra Bullock where there is a mysterious force that if you see it, you die.
What is Bird Box.
The Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore are major landmarks from this European country.
What is Italy.
Despues de que su casa fuera consumido por un incendio, esta vecina de Guadalupe fue intrevista al cual ella cuenta la anecdota de como se alisto para salir, al cual ella escogio un par de pantalones por esta razon.
"Era lo que prometia en el momento"
"I do the same thing, I told you that I never would,
I told you I changed, even when I knew I never could"
These lyrics are from the song Stay, which is from this artist.
Who are Justin Bierber and The Kid LAROI.
This alert is based on a tunable that needs to be unset.
What is 5004.
This 1995 film starring Brad Pitt states the famous quote "What's in the box?"
What is Seven.
This Incan landmark is located high in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
What is Machu Picchu.
En un partido entre la Liga Deportiva Alajuelense y el Limon FC, un aficionado es escuchado durante el minuto de silencio gritarle esta frase hacia un jugador.
"Salvatierra pura mierda"
"En este momento me siento bien raro,
ya que trague guaro como un lago"
These are lyrics by this costa rican artist.
Who is Toledo
According to the alert 126, if the PSUs shows as OK and the minimum voltage is met, we need to do the following.
Send template B and monitor 24 hours.
This slasher horror film is based on the fictional character Freddy Krueger where he preys on teenagers in their dreams.
What is A Nightmare on Elm Street.
This country is known for their beautiful scenery, their ice hockey and their maple syrup. Also by their red and white flag with a maple leaf
What is Canada.
Este es un audio que fue filtrado al cual un joven se lo envia a su novia Ingrid, diciendo lo siguiente.
"Digamelo mi amor"
"Te voy a escribir la cancion mas bonita del mundo,
voy a capturar nuestra historia en tan solo un segundo"
Name the song title and artist
La Playa - La Oreja de Van Gogh
This is the field where we can check for the KB link for an alert we have not worked.
What is the description field.
This movie starring Al Pacino as Tony Montana became a classic with lines such as "Say hello to my little friend."
What is Scarface.
This ivory white mausoleum was completed in 1643 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his favorite white Mumtaz Jahan.
What is the Taj Mahal.