Context Clues
Point of View
Fun Questions

The sun made the lake water shimmer.





The correct answer is c) sparkle. 


I stand in the middle of the drive and stare up at the house. It is light pink, almost like cake frosting, sitting ten feet above the ground on wooden stilts. A palm tree sways in the front. In the back of the house, a pier extends twenty yards into the Gulf of Mexico.

We can infer the house is...

A a ski house

B a lake house

C a beach house

D a townhouse

We can infer the house is: A beach house


Give some examples of first-person and third-person point of view. 

First-person: I, we, me, our, my, us, myself, ourselves

Third person: him/her, they, he/she, their, his/hers, them, it/its, themselves


Tracy held the delicate flower gently so the stem wouldn’t break.





The correct answer is a) fragile


How many states are in the United States?

Answer: 50


The smell from the refrigerator was very foul, but the freezer smelled fresh.





The correct answer is d) unpleasant. 


In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit hole, and that means comfort.

The narrator assumes the reader...

A expects the hole to be empty

B understands what it’s like to visit a

Hobbit hole

C believes Hobbit holes are


D thinks of a hole in the ground as a

bad thing

The narrator assumes the reader: Thinks of a hole in the ground as a bad thing. 


All day I have been waiting for my mom to come home. Today is her birthday and I have a surprise for her! She works at the restaurant in town and when she gets home, she is always very tired. So I decided I would cook a very special birthday dinner just for her. I made feijoada, which is a stew with black beans, sausage, and pork. My grandma used to make it when my mom was growing up in Brazil. I also made her a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. I didn’t have enough money to buy my mom a present, so I made her a card instead. I hope she likes it!

1. Who is telling this story?

a) a character

b) a narrator

Who is telling this story: a character


Gabriela taps her ngers on the table. She is waiting for her mother to return home from work. The warm smell of stew lls the house and a chocolate cake sits on the table. Gabriela looks out the window. Her mother should be home any minute. Gabriela is excited to surprise her mother with a home-cooked meal for her birthday. She knows how tired her mother is after work, so she hopes this special dinner will make her feel happy. Gabriela places a card on the table, next to the cake. It reads “Feliz Aniversário” and has a picture of a unicorn drawn in crayon on it.

What pronouns did you see in the story that helped you determine the point of view?

Any third-person pronoun in the story. 


Which is the largest and deepest ocean in the world?

Answer: The Pacific Ocean 


Nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help our bodies grow.





The correct answer is b) healthy. 


I wake up this morning to a thin blanket of white covering our front lawn. It isn't even an inch, but in this part of Oregon a slight dusting brings everything to a standstill, as the one plow in the county gets busy clearing the roads. It is wet water that drops from the sky -- and drops and drops and drops -- not the frozen kind. My little brother, Teddy, lets out a war whoop when Mom's AM radio announces the closures. "Snow day!" he bellows. "Dad, let's go make a snowman."

We can infer that the characters feel...

A excited about school being


B happy to play in the snow

C tired since they didn’t sleep in

D cold due to the snow

We can infer that the characters feel: Excited about school being canceled. 


All day I have been waiting for my mom to come home. Today is her birthday and I have a surprise for her! She works at the restaurant in town and when she gets home, she is always very tired. So I decided I would cook a very special birthday dinner just for her. I made feijoada, which is a stew with black beans, sausage, and pork. My grandma used to make it when my mom was growing up in Brazil. I also made her a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. I didn’t have enough money to buy my mom a present, so I made her a card instead. I hope she likes it!

What is the speaker’s point of view?

a) First-person

b) third person

What is the speaker's point of view: First person 


The cat scuttled quickly around the room without lying down at all.





The answer is c) ran


What is the capital of the United States of America?

Answer: Washington D.C. 

I meandered through the woods taking my time exploring.





The correct answer is c) wandered. 


I smile at myself, at the foolishness of my imagination. People cannot fly, though, before the Society, there were myths about those who could. I saw a painting of them once. White wings, blue-sky, gold circles above their heads, eyes turned up in surprise as though they couldn’t believe what the artist had painted them doing, couldn’t believe that their feet didn’t touch the ground. Those stories weren’t true. I know that. But tonight, it’s easy to forget. The air train glides through the starry night so smoothly and my heart pounds so quickly that it feels as though I could soar into the sky at any moment. “What are you smiling about?” Xander wonders as I smooth the folds of my green silk dress down neat. “Everything,” I tell him, and it’s true. I’ve waited so long for this: for my Match Banquet. Where I’ll see, for the first time, the face of the boy who will be my Match. It will be the first time I hear his name. I can’t wait.

We can infer that the narrator feels...

A happy

B excited

C foolish

D surprised

We can infer that the narrator feels: Excited 


Gabriela taps her ngers on the table. She is waiting for her mother to return home from work. The warm smell of stew lls the house and a chocolate cake sits on the table. Gabriela looks out the window. Her mother should be home any minute. Gabriela is excited to surprise her mother with a home-cooked meal for her birthday. She knows how tired her mother is after work, so she hopes this special dinner will make her feel happy. Gabriela places a card on the table, next to the cake. It reads “Feliz Aniversário” and has a picture of a unicorn drawn in crayon on it.

Who is telling this story?

a) a character

b) a narrator

Who is telling the story: A narrator


All day I have been waiting for my mom to come home. Today is her birthday and I have a surprise for her! She works at the restaurant in town and when she gets home, she is always very tired. So I decided I would cook a very special birthday dinner just for her. I made feijoada, which is a stew with black beans, sausage, and pork. My grandma used to make it when my mom was growing up in Brazil. I also made her a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. I didn’t have enough money to buy my mom a present, so I made her a card instead. I hope she likes it!

What pronouns did you see in the story that helped you determine the point of view?

Any first-person pronouns 


What are synonyms?

Answer: A word which has the same meaning as another word. 


Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly.

a) relaxed

 b) confused 

c) at ease

 d) calm

The correct answer is b) confused. 


Eragon knelt in a bed of trampled reed grass and scanned the tracks with a practiced eye. The prints told him that the deer had been in the meadow only a half-hour before. Soon they would bed down. His target, a small doe with a pronounced limp in her left forefoot, was still with the herd. He was amazed she had made it so far without a wolf or bear catching her. The sky was clear and dark, and a slight breeze stirred the air. A silvery cloud drifted over the mountains that surrounded him, its edges glowing with ruddy light cast from the harvest moon cradled between two peaks. Streams flowed down the mountains from stolid glaciers and glistening snowpacks. A brooding mist crept along the valley’s floor, almost thick enough to obscure his feet.

What can we infer about the time of day?

A morning

B afternoon

C evening

D night

What can we infer about the time of day: Night 


Gabriela taps her ngers on the table. She is waiting for her mother to return home from work. The warm smell of stew lls the house and a chocolate cake sits on the table. Gabriela looks out the window. Her mother should be home any minute. Gabriela is excited to surprise her mother with a home-cooked meal for her birthday. She knows how tired her mother is after work, so she hopes this special dinner will make her feel happy. Gabriela places a card on the table, next to the cake. It reads “Feliz Aniversário” and has a picture of a unicorn drawn in crayon on it.

What is the speaker’s point of view?

a) first person

b) third person

What is the speaker's point of view: Third person 


I know I’m not an ordinary ten-year-old kid. I mean, sure, I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. I have an XBox. Stuff like that makes me ordinary. I guess. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at wherever they go. I wish I could walk down the street without people seeing me and then doing that look-away thing. Here’s what I think: the only reason I’m not ordinary is that no one else sees me that way.

We can infer that the kid...

A thinks people look at him likes he’s


B wishes he could act like all the other kids

C likes to do ordinary things

D looks different than other kids

We can infer that the kid: looks different than other kids 


Which is the strongest and biggest bone in the human body?

Answer: Femur/ thigh bone