Figurative Language
Text Structures
Main Idea

The Sun was a giant orange beach ball.  Simile or Metaphor



A chimpanzee's body is made for climbing and swinging in the trees.  First, it uses its long arms to reach a branch. Next, with its flexible hands and feet, it grabs and hooks on to the branch. Finally, it swings from that branch to another branch of the tree.



People do not really use music to charm snakes. Snakes have no ears, so they can't hear a flute. The snake charmer startles the snake by waving a hand near it. The snake lifts its head to look around. The charmer then sways back and forth or moves the flute. The snake moves its head to keep an eye on the movement.

How people really charm snakes.


If the players on a volleyball team all had a sunburn after the game, where could you infer that they played.

They played outside.


What does the theme of a book mean?

The lesson that the author is trying to teach the reader.


The wind whistled through the trees.



When warm air meets cold air, a tornado may form. The reason for this is that the warm air is lighter than the cold air, so it rises up fast and meets different winds moving different directions.  Under the right conditions, this can cause a tornado.

Cause and Effect


The funny bone got its name as the result of a funny mix-up. There is a bone that goes from your shoulder to your elbow. The scientific name for this bone is humerus. If you drop the e and add two o's, the word becomes humorous, which means funny.  

How the funny bone got its name.


If you heard a siren and smelled smoke, you could infer what?

There was a fire close by.


What is the theme of Cinderella?

good versus evil


The fantastic fox fell forty feet fast!



Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. Clay can bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay.  Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. When paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again.

Compare and Contrast


How old is old? Some insects live only a few hours. But some sea turtles live for hundreds of years. What if an insect and a turtle were born at the same instant? The insect would be old after an hour, but the turtle would still be just a baby. A person born at the same time would be old when the turtle was middle aged.

How old is old depends on the animal.


If the playground was empty on a Monday and there were no cars in the parking lot, you could infer that.

There was no school that day.


What is the theme of the Three Little Pigs?

Knowledge is power.


Has the cat got your tongue?



When a river receives a lot of extra water it may flood. During a flood there is plenty of water, and most people wouldn't think that dehydration was a serious risk, but flood waters are mostly polluted and not safe to drink. You can prepare for flooding by filling many containers with fresh clean drinking water.

Problem and Solution


The hamburger came from Hamburg, Germany. The first hamburger was just raw ground beef. When the Germans first came to America, they brought the idea with them. But other people did not like raw meat, so they decided to cook it. The first cook hamburger on a bun was served in 1904.

How hamburgers came to be.


If a person put on a helmet, padding and ice skates, you could infer that they were going to play what?

They were going to play ice hockey.


What is a theme for Michael Jordan's autobiography?

never give up


I can run faster than a cheetah.



It is fun to read about chimpanzees.  All wild chimpanzees live in Africa. They live mostly in thick rain forests and in woodlands. There are two types, or species, of chimpanzees - the common chimpanzee and the pygmy chimpanzee.



The highest mountain is not Mount Everest. In fact, it is not found on Earth. It is on Mars. Olympus Mons is about 95,000 feet high. That is over three times as high as Mount Everest.

The highest mountain is not on Earth.


You are standing next to a high wooden fence.  If you heard a bark and a hiss, you could infer what was on the other side of the fence?

a dog and a cat


What is the theme for the "Golden Rule"?

Treat others as you want to be treated.