When inputting an attack, it's common to endure this short period where the damage dealing "Hurt boxes" are yet to come out.
A state which occurs when holding away from the opponent when they are attacking.
What is Blocking
A quarter circle input in numpad notation.
What is 236x?
A universal option in almost all games that cannot be blocked, except by a player who inputs the same option at nearly the exact same time/slightly after.
What is a Throw
This command normal, a part of every player's kit, shifts the users hurtbox lower, making it great for counter poking.
What is 6p / what is forward punch
What are Active Frames
The information provided for each move in a game, with specifics on the timings in which those moves are started, active, and recovered from, as well as cancel windows for each state
What is Frame Data
This motion is often cited as one of the most difficult motion inputs to do consistently, and was attatched to Ryu's Dragon Punch attack.
What is 623x
These are the base tools in a characers kit, which require no input besides one of the game's base attack buttons.
What is a normal.
Performed by holding back and 2 of the normal attack buttons, this unique mechanic allows for blocking that reduces chip damage and increase pushback on attacks you block, all at the cost of Tension (aka Meter)
What is Faultless Defense
An attack which, when blocked, leaves the user in a position where their recovery is faster than the opponents
What is Plus on Block
The state wherein neither player is at an express advantage or disadvantage relative to position or frame-data.
What is the Neutral Game /
What is Footsies
This input is referred to in some circles as "The Guilty Gear" input.
What is 632146x?
This term refers to any move which is invincible on start up and traditionally has a wide hitbox with long recovery frames.
What is a DP?
A universal mechanic which spends 50% of the Tension Guage to cancel any attack, and stop blockstrings with a push barrier.
What is a Roman Cancel
The state of disabled control a player gets when blocking certain attacks, which can result in extreme minus-on-block.
What is Guard-Crush
A block which is performed within a few frames of the opponent's attack connecting, resulting in meter gain, neutralized pushback, faster recovery, and/or various other benefits.
What is an Insta-block /
Instant Block / IB?
Known as a Pretzel Motion, this input is notorious even among veterens for its absurdly high precision requirement.
What is 1632143x
When an opponent's attack misses entirely, and there is time to counter with something quick and potentially devestating
What is a Whiff Punish
A guage which, when full, allows a player to escape tricky block strings, scary okizeme, and even combos.
What is Burst?
The frames between the frames: the state of pause in an attack animation after it comes into contact with an opponent who is not blocking or is mid combo.
What is Hit Stop?
A technique in which you dash forward from the earliest point in a jump animation to allow for aerial attacks to hit lower on the ground faster. Used for Overheads and Combo Extensions.
What is an IAD /
Instant Air Dash
The input for the famous "Dragon Install - Sekkai" Super in Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R, which is famously quoted in multiple memes about the difficulty of fighting games. (Hint: it involves all 5 attack buttons and two different Guilty Gear motions)
What is 632146S into 5P > 5K > 5S > 5H > 5D >5K > 5S > 632146H
A move which is input like an odinary command/special move, but spends meter to increase the move's power, frame data, range, or even the move in its entirety. (this does not exist in some games)
What is an EX Special?
A guage which increases when blocking. It reduces damage scaling, increases base-damage taken, and even causes a forced counter-hit if the guage is full.
What is RISC