Figurative Language Vocabulary
Poetic Vocabulary
StudySync Poem: Saying Yes
STAAR: Persistent
STAAR: A Walk Through My Rain Forest


What type of figurative language matches the following definition?
"A figure of speech that uses the word like or as to compare two seemingly unlike things."

A) Personification
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Hyperbole



Which poetic vocabulary term matches the following definition? 

"A string of words in a poem, not necessarily a full sentence or phrase."

A) Line
B) Stanza
C) Poet
D) Poem



Identify the fifth stanza of this poem. 

"But I would rather say
Not neither-nor,
not maybe,
but both, and not only"


What is the main message of the poem?

A) It is good to be honest when sharing your feelings.
B) Events from history can be relevant today.
C) Wise people listen more than they speak.
D) There is a right time and place for imagination.

There is a right time and place for imagination.


Which line from the poem best helps the reader imagine the flowers and fruits of the rain forest?

A) Is more than can be described.
B) Its ponds are crowded.
C) A palace of fragrance and tastes.
D) Is pure paradise.

A palace of fragrance and tastes. 


What type of figurative language matches the following definition?

"A figure of speech in which an animal, an object, force of nature, or an idea is given human form or qualities."

A) Personification
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Hyperbole



Which poetic vocabulary term matches the following definition? 

"A person who writes poems."

A) Line
B) Stanza
C) Poet
D) Poem




Arrange these events in a way that makes meaning and follows the logical order of the poem:


1. The speaker says, “Well, actually, you see . . . .”
2. The questioner asks the speaker if she’s really Chinese.
3. The questioner asks the speaker if she’s Chinese.
4. The speaker thinks she’d rather say “yes”

3, 2, 1, 4



What do lines 9 and 10 suggest about Gabby?

A) She cannot hide her frustration from her teacher.
B) She is calm while listening to her teacher.
C) She has difficulty expressing herself to her teacher.
D) She is confident that her teacher will understand her situation.

She cannot hide her frustration from her teacher.


In stanza 3, the phrase “Everywhere there is music” indicates that the speaker —

A) is distracted by the different sounds of nature
B) finds the sounds of the rain forest enchanting
C) wishes he could imitate the sounds he hears
D) can recognize certain birds by the sounds they make

finds the sounds of the rain forest enchanting


What type of figurative language matches the following definition?
"A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as."  

A) Personification
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Hyperbole



Which poetic vocabulary term matches the following definition? 

"A piece of writing that uses techniques such as rhyme and rhythm to describe a feeling, event, or idea in a unique way."

A) Line
B) Stanza
C) Poet
D) Poem



Which of the following inferences most closely identifies a theme of the poem?

A) Having a home is important, but the price of homes is astronomical.
B) Rudeness is all-too common in our modern society.
C) Being American and Chinese is an impossibility.
D) The speaker finds the standard categories for identity to be inadequate.

The speaker finds the standard categories for identity to be inadequate.


At the end of the poem, the description “bringing daydreams in for a landing” most likely refers to —

A) ending daydreaming completely
B) making daydreams relate to what is important
C) being able to stop daydreaming for a while
D) keeping daydreams from being unreachable

being able to stop daydreaming for a while


Read this dictionary entry.

brilliant \Ɏbril-yǨnt\ adj 1. showing great intelligence 2. vivid in appearance 3. full of light 4. excellent or superior in performance

Which definition best matches the way the word brilliant is used in line 4?

A) Definition 1
B) Definition 2
C) Definition 3
D) Definition 4

Definition 2


What type of figurative language matches the following definition?

"A figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to describe things."

A) Hyperbole
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Extended Metaphor




Which poetic vocabulary term matches the following definition? 

"The basic unit of a poem, made up of a series of lines."

A) Line
B) Stanza
C) Poet
D) Poem



Which of the following selections best describes the questioner in the poem?

A) The questioner wants to embarrass the speaker.
B) The questioner wants to know the speaker’s identity and can’t imagine that the speaker doesn’t fit the questioner’s categories.
C) The questioner assumes that the speaker is lying.
D) The questioner knows the speaker from a long time ago and so she knows the speaker is lying.

The questioner wants to know the speaker’s identity and can’t imagine that the speaker doesn’t fit the questioner’s categories.


In lines 24 and 25, the poet uses personification most likely to emphasize that successful people often —

A) travel
B) imagine
C) create
D) communicate



The poem’s structure helps the reader —

A) picture what a trip to the rain forest is like for the speaker
B) understand how much time the speaker spends in the rain forest
C) examine how the speaker’s emotions about the rain forest change
D) realize how the speaker feels about the rain forest compared with other places

picture what a trip to the rain forest is like for the speaker


What type of figurative language matches the following definition?

"A metaphor that compares two seemingly unlike things in various ways through a paragraph, a stanza, or an entire literary work."

A) Hyperbole
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Extended Metaphor

Extended Metaphor


Which poetic vocabulary term matches the following definition? 

"A feature of a poem such as rhyme, sound devices, and figurative language."

A) Line
B) Stanza
C) Poet
D) Poetic Device

Poetic Device


Which of the following selections best describes the significance of the title, “Saying Yes”?

A) It suggests both the limitations and the power of saying “yes.”
B) It shows how limited yes-or-no questions are.
C) It hints that the speaker will say “yes” in the body of the poem.
D) It reveals that the speaker knows English.

It suggests both the limitations and the power of saying “yes.”


Read lines 17 through 19.

"Teacher taps his top lip
like a door the right words
are hiding behind."

What does the simile in these lines suggest about the teacher?

A) He feels saddened by Gabby’s response.
B) He thinks that he might offend Gabby.
C) He wants to be sure to communicate his thoughts well.
D) He has begun to change his opinion about the subject.

He wants to be sure to communicate his thoughts well.


Read this line from the poem.

"Its greatness makes me feel very small."

This line helps the reader understand that the speaker —

A) feels unpleasantly overwhelmed by his surroundings
B) would prefer to visit the rain forest with a group of people
C) has a deep appreciation for his surroundings
D) wants to view the rain forest from a higher location

has a deep appreciation for his surroundings