The city at night is like a nest of fireflies
What is a Simile?
Frustration came over her like a wave. Her frustration was compared to...
Groupings of lines in a poem
What is Stanza?
The author uses "Mud was pouring off the mountain like a waterfall".
What is it was raining hard/there was a lot of mud falling?
This in the message of the story
What is Theme?
I hope we don't have to wait in this line forever!
What is Hyperbole?
The reason authors use figurative language
What is "making the story more interesting"?
How you read it, similar to beat
What is Rhythm?
The author uses "It bent trunks and shook branches and then - thunk thunk thunk! - pinecones began raining down" for what reason?
What is to helps readers hear the action of the pinecones?
The theme is literally written in the story
What is an explicit theme?
Her heart was a broken vase
What is a metaphor?
The moon arched its back in the car's window
What is the moon stretching across the night sky?
a single row of text in a poem
What is a Line?
The author says this in their story of kids sneaking through the school almost getting caught "They were like statues in the hallway"
What is they were still?
The theme is NOT written word for word in the story
What is an implied theme
Think outside the box
What is an Idiom?
What is a crazy/big smile?
Words with the same ending sounds at the end of lines or stanzas
What is Repetition?
The author uses "until her foot snagged on and she toppled over like a piece of timber" for what reason
What is to help readers visualize how Roz fell?
Needed to support your theme
What is Text Evidence?
The floor creaked as he walked across it
What is an Onomatopoeia?
The river snaked across the field.
What is the river had twists and turns?
Rerepeated phrases or words to stress importance
What is Repetition?
The author uses "the girl believed she could never finish all her homework" to tell the reader
What is the girl had a bunch of homework?
Do not bite off more than you can chew
What is be realistic with what you can do?