Which of these is an onomatopoeia?
A. bang
B. whoosh
C. plink
D. thump
They all are!
Is this a simile?
I like you.
The answer is no.
Is this personification?
The bed swallowed him in his sleep.
Is this a metaphor?
The night sky was a blanket of stars.
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Name an onomatopoeia you know.
Why do you use similes?
To describe things in an interesting way; to make writing more exciting and memorable.
Which is personification?
A. I don't like that.
B. The clock rang like a cow.
C. The wind howled and the leaves danced.
The correct answer is C.
Which is a metaphor? Choose all that apply.
A. You are an angel for helping me out
B. The baby's laugh was music to her mom's ears.
C. I had butterflies in my stomach before the big test.
A and B are metaphors; C is an idiom.
Is this onomatopoeia, personification, or none of these?
The bed fell through the roof.
none of these
Is this an onomatopoeia?
Hi, friends!
What is the definition of simile?
A comparison between two things using the words 'like' or 'as'.
Does this describe personification?
Something that gives a non living thing real life characteristics.
Can a metaphor also be an idiom?
True or false: Onomatopoeia, personification, similes, and metaphors are examples of figurative language?
What is the definition of onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia means the formation of a word from the sound it names.
Tell what is being compared in this simile:
My uncle is a blind as a bat without his glasses.
My uncle's eyesight to that of a bat - neither can see well.
What is the definition of personification?
Personification is a literary device where the author gives human characteristics to nonhuman objects.
What is the definition of a metaphor?
Something that describes another word without using the words 'like' or 'as'.
What is the difference between similes and metaphors?
Similes compare things using 'like' or 'as', while metaphors make comparisons without using 'like' or 'as'.
Your friend said similes are different words that mean the same. But you said that similes are words that describe other words using like or as. Who is correct?
Your friend was at your house and it was raining hard. He said it was raining cats and dogs - is that an example of personification?
No, it is an idiom.
The thunder at night was a mighty lion.
The powerful thunder and a mighty lion.
Make a simile of your own, then turn it into a metaphor.