Prepositions/Phrasal verbs
Practical English

Choose the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. It's my sister's birthday today and she ____ (have) a party.
  2. We _____ (go)round to her house at eight o'clock this evening.
  3. She  ______ usually_____  (not celebrate) her birthday, but this one is special because she's thirty!
  4. After class today I _____  (go) to town to buy her present.
  5. I _____  (think) I'll get her some CDs.
  6. She really _____  (love) music.

1. is having

2. are going

3. doesn't usually celebrate

4. am going

5. think

6. loves


Personality adjectives

Name the opposite adjective, A, B, or C.

1. stupid

A clever  B reliable  C sensible 

2. talkative

A quiet  B bossy  C moody 

3. self-confident

A selfish  B shy  C jealous 

4. honest

A inhonest  B unhonest C dishonest 

5. hard-working

A moody  B lazy  C sociable 

6. patient

A inpatient B unpatient C impatient 

1. A  2.A  3. B  4. C  5. B  6. C


What did a viola player Lukas Kmit do, when a mobile went off during his perfomance? Why?

He played the same melody as the mobile using his musical instrument to teach a lesson to the improper theatre-goer.


Complete the sentences with phrasal verb.

They were trying to get to Vienna and ended _____ in Bratislava!

A up  B off C out 

A up

What are the names of the main characters?

Rob and Jenny


Future forms

Choose the correct answer.

  1. You  _______ (love) Ben's new house.
  2. I _______ (study) French next year.
  3. I promise I  _______ (be) late.
  4. When _____ you _______ (go) on holiday?
  5.   _______ (help) you to make dinner?
  6. I  _______ (call) back later.

1. will love

2. am going to

3. will be

4. are you going

5. Shall i help

6. will call



Complete the compound nouns in the sentences.

1 I never drive during the ________ hour because the traffic is so bad.

2 Can you believe that drivers didn’t wear seat ________ in the past?

3 Excuse me, is there a petrol ________ near here?

1. rush  2. belt  3.station


The Pink and the Blue Project

After World War II, people started dressing up girls in pink ____

1. because people had started to believe in gender equality

2. because advertisers encouraged them to do so

3. because they thought that pink suited girls better



Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs.

1. Look _____! There’s a car coming the other way!

2. We have to stop somewhere soon or we’ll run _____ of petrol.

1. out

2. out


In the first episode, when the main characters arrived to visit the parents, what did the man forget to do?

He forgot to take the chocolates for his mother-in-law from his desk at work.


Modal verbs

Complete with the correct forms of have to, must, should, can, could, be able to.

  1. Jenny  _________ play the piano since she was five.
  2. George  _________ count to a hundred by the age of ten.
  3. I  _________ sleep last night because it was too hot.
  4. I think people  ________ recycle more paper and glass.
  5. The museum is free. You  ________ pay.
  6. You  ________ park here. It's an emergency exit.

1. has been able

2. could

3. couldn't

4. should

5. don't have to

6. mustn't


Extreme adjectives

Write the synonym.

1 very funny ________

2 very tasty ________

3 very angry ________

4 very hungry ________

5 very cold _________

1. hilarious  2. delicious  3. furious  4. starving  5. freezing


The Birth Order

Match the adjectives with the categories

charming   sociable    responsible   self-confident   immature    sympathetic    impatient     ambitious

1. The oldest child

2. The middle child

3. The youngest child

4. The only child

1) responsible, ambitious

2) sociable, sympathetic

3) charming, immature

4) self-confident, impatient


Complete the sentences with dependent prepositions.

1. We’re both very keen _____ cycling.

2. My sister is really good _____ maths.

3. Are you worried _____ the interview tomorrow?

1. on  2. at  3.


In episode 3, when the main female character met her friend in the street, they were discussing the news in their lives. What major news did the friend have?

Her boyfrend proposed to her and soon they are going to get married.


Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous

Complete with the correct forms.

  1. A: How long ______ (live) here in Seville?
  2. B: I  ______  (move) here two years ago.
  3. A: And when  ______ (start) working at this school?
  4. I ______ (know) my best friend since we were at school.
  5. We  ______ (work) in the same office since 2008.
  6. You're late! We_______ (wait) for an hour.

1. have you lived

2. moved

3. did you start

4. have known

5. have been working

6. have been waiting



Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

1 You need to open a business ________ when you start your own business.

2 I think you’ll ________ a lot of money selling clothes in this market.

3 Felipe still __________ me the €100 I lent him last month.

4 I try to ________ some of my salary every month so that I can go travelling.

5 It’s difficult to get a ________ from a bank during a recession.

1. account  2. earn/make  3. owes  4. save  5. loan


Top Gear Challenge

What was the order of transport arriving to the airport?

car       bike     motorboat      public transport

1. bike

2. motorboat

3. public transport

4. car


Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence.

1 We arrived in/to London last week.

2 Who does this coat belong to/on?

3 I spend a lot of money for/on gadgets.

4 This music reminds me of/to my childhood.

5 I can’t choose between/of the meat and the fish.

6 I pay of/for all my online shopping by credit card.

1. in   2. to   3. on   4. of   5. between   6.for 


In episode 2, Kerri, the female musician, has forgotten something that belongs to her in some place. Name the object and the place. Tell, what happened in the end.

She forgot her mobile in a cab/taxi. The driver returned the loss in the end.


Complete with the correct forms of verbs in the Past tenses.

  1. My brother _______ (get) married last year.
  2. We _______ (have) dinner when Sally called.
  3. John got to the cinema late and the film _______ (start) when he arrived.
  4. I was driving home when the accident _______ (happen).
  5.  _______ (you / watch) TV when I phoned?
  6. I'd studied really hard but I( _______ not pass) the exam.

1. got

2. were having

3. had started

4. happened

5. Were you watching

6. didn't pass



Complete the sentences.

1 I can’t believe Jake and Suzy have broken _____. They seemed so happy.

2 You must meet Paolo. He’s a really _____ friend of mine.

3 They _____ their new teacher for the first time this morning.

4 We were trying to keep in _____ with Juan all morning.

5 Mary and Roberto _____ a lot in common, so they get on really well.

6 You’ll like Tim when you get to _____ him.

7 My best _____ is coming round for a meal tonight.

8 I l_____ touch with Rafa ages ago, but then found him on Facebook.

1. up  2. close  3. met  4. touch  5. have  6. know  7. friend  8. keep


Matt Rudd learns a trumpet

How many hours of practice do you need to gain a skill, according to a writer Josh Kaufman?

20 h


Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1 Is there anything that you’re really afraid ________?

2 I’m fed up ________ my job. I need a change.

3 Try not to laugh ________ Bill when he speaks French – his accent is terrible!

4 It can take ages to get to the city centre – it depends ______ the traffic.

5 This restaurant reminds me ________ the one we went to in Paris.

6 He used to be married ________ my youngest sister.

7 Jenna is arriving ________ Cambridge on Saturday evening.

1. of  2. with  3. at  4. on  5. to  6. at


In episode 3, the male friend of the main character has arrived to visit him. What was his name?

1. Rob

2. Daniel

3. Paul
