Grammar I
Grammar I
Vocabulary I
Vocabulary II

Simple present- be

1.) (Be) he Mexican? 

2.) A- (Be) you a nurse?

 3.) B- Yes, I (be). 

1.) Is 

2.) Are

3.) am. 

Simple present-be

1.) I (be-not) tired. I'm hungry!

2.) A- What's that?

     B- (Be) an orange folder. 

3.) They (be) fifteen years old. 

1.) I'm not

2.) It's

3.) They're


Nationality: Match the country and nationality

1.) Germany

2.) France

3.) Mexico

1.) German

2.) French

3.) Mexican


Nationality: Match the country and nationality

1.) Turkey

2.) Ireland

3.) Japan

1.) Turkish

2.) Irish

3.) Japanese



Simple Present-be (Use contractions)

1.)I (be) from Germany. 

2.) She (be) 45 years old. 

3.) We (be) old and tired. 

1.) I'm

2.) She's

3.) We're


Choose the correct possessive adjective: 

1.) (She) name is Janet. 

2.) (You) phone number is 555-456-7891

3.) (We) family is from Italy. 

1.) Her

2.) Your

3.) Our


Choose the correct possessive adjective:

1.) (They) house is green. 

2.) (It) name is English School. 

3.) (I) dog is ten years old. 

1.) Their

2.) Its

3.) My


Say the opposite of each adjective:

1.) easy

2.) happy 

3.) cheap

1.) difficult/hard

2.) sad

3.) expensive


Say the opposite of each adjective:

1.) right (correct)

2.) empty 

3.) weak

1.) wrong

2.) full

3.) strong


SPEAKING: All students in the group must answer these questions; Please use complete sentences. 

1.) What is your first name? How do you spell it?

2.) What is your nationality?

All students use complete sentences and speak. 


Multiple Choice: Complete the sentences with the correct choice.

1.) Miguel has four (watch). 

a.) watchs   b.) watchiz   c.) watches

2.) The (child) play in the backyard. 

a.) childrens  b.) children   c.) child

3.) Class will finish in (blank) hour. 

a.) an      b.) a     c.) none

1.) c-watches

2.) b-children

3.) a-an


Multiple Choice: Complete the sentences with the correct choice.

1.) Are they...

a.) very teachers good?  b.) very good teachers?      c.) teachers very good?

2.) The student studies at (blank) university. 

a.) an      b.) a         c.) none

3.) The doctors travels to a lot of .....

a.) countries     b.) countrys   c.) countrees

1.) b-very good teachers?

2.) b- a

3.) a-countries 


Multiple Choice- Choose the correct word:

1.) Alfredo has cash and coins in his ____

a.) backpack      b.) wallet    c.) suitcase

2.) I'm very _______. Can I have a bottle of water?

a.) thirsty       b.) hungry        c.) stressed

1.) b-wallet

2.) a-thirsty


Multiple Choice- Choose the correct word:

1.) Alicia doesn't sleep a lot. She's very ______. 

a.) thirsty      b.) tired     c.) angry

2.) Ah! That sound made me feel ________.

a.) frightened      b.) tired     c.) sad

1.) b-tired

2.) a-frightened


SPEAKING: All students must participate and answer all questions. Use complete sentences.

1.) When are your English classes? 

2.) Where do you live? Describe the town/city with some adjectives. 

All students participate and use complete sentences. 

1.) My English classes are from Monday to Thursday and are from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 


Fill in the correct imperatives and suggestions:

1.) I'm hungry, (blank) have dinner at this taqueria. 

2.) (Blank) happy! I don't want you to be sad. 

1.) let's have

2.) Be


Fill in the correct imperatives and suggestions:

1.) Let's drive to the concert. No, (blank) drive!

2.) Please (no-speak) loudly! We're in a library. 

1.) let's not

2.) don't speak


Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1.) Spain is a country in E_______. 

2.) Antonio is very s_______ because his job is very difficult. 

3.) forty-two, forty-three, ________. 

1.) Europe

2.) stressed

3.) forty-four


Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1.) China is in A______. 

2.) Malik is from Egypt. He's E________.

3.) October, November, __________. 

1.) Asia

2.) Egyptian

3.) December


SPEAKING: All students must participate and answer all questions. Use complete sentences.

1.) What's your last name? How do you spell it? 

2.) Describe the place where you live. 

All students participate and use complete sentences. 


Fill in the conversations with the correct words.

1.) A- Hi, (Blank) name is Jeffrey. Nice to meet you!

     B.) Hi Jeffrey. (Blank) name is Sandra. 

2.) A.) Excuse me sir, (blank) you a professor?

     B.) Oh me? No, I'm a student. 

1.) My/My

2.) Are


Fill in the conversations with the correct words.

1.) A- Good evening, welcome to Olive Garden. (Blank) something to drink?

B- Can I have a glass of wine? 

2.) A- Hey! Do you know what we have to do for homework?

     B.) (Blank) quiet! You're in a library!

1.) Would you like

2.) Be


Fill in the sentence with the correct word:

1.) (Blank) exercises 1 and 2. 

2.) Don't (blank) your book! Look at the whiteboard! 

1.) Do

2.) open


Fill in the sentence with the correct word: 

1.) (Blank) and repeat after me. 

2.) How do you (blank) your name? 

1.) Listen

2.) spell/say


Rearrange the questions: 

1.) she/ is / Where/ from/ ?

2.) your/ doctor/ American/ Is/ ?

3.) he/ Is/ Australian/  an/ architect? 

1.) Where is she from?

2.) Is your doctor American?

3.) Is he an Australian architect?