Soviet Montage
Film Theory
Classic Art / Classic Animals

This montage effect is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.

What is the Kuleshov Effect? 


Hitchcock famously demonstrated montage theory with these two examples. 

What were a mother and a child, and a woman in a bikini? 


The other common name for Hemingway's theory of omission. 

What is the "iceberg theory"? 


This effect is a storytelling and writing method in cinema in which an event is given contradictory interpretations or descriptions by the individuals involved, thereby providing different perspectives and points of view of the same incident.

What is the Rashomon effect? 


Famous abstract horror painting by Edvard Munch. 

What is "The Scream?" 


Famous scene of soviet montage where a baby rolls down the stairs in his carrier. 

What is the "Odessa steps" sequence? 


These devices were used to keep the crows in place on the playground for the famous school attack scene in "The Birds". 

What are magnets? 


Dudley Andrew's characterizes this adaptation method as the most faithful and common use of adaptation between a text and a film. 

What is transformation? 


This bandit is the main antagonist of the story who attacks the samurai and assaults his wife. 

Who is Tajomaru? 


Famous liminal diner painting by Edward Hopper. 

What is "Nighthawks"? 


What are three of the main components of soviet montage that deals with force and the result of certain conflicts. 

What are thesis, antithesis, and synthesis? 


This is the main color of Melanie Daniels' outfit from The Birds. 

What is green? 


In "Spectors of the novel Dracula" by Thomas, this famous scene from Nosferatu represents the vampire as emerging from the world of textuality to haunt the human the world as a play of light and shadow-the vampire as cinematic effect, as specter.

What is the staircase scene? 


Also known as a "Jidaigeki", this is a genre of Japanese film that are most often set during the Edo period of Japanese history, from 1603 to 1868. They showcase the lives of the samurai, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants of their time.

What is a period drama? 


Famous wave woodblock print by Hokusai. 

What is "The Great Wave off Kanagawa"? 


Famous quote by Sergei Eisenstein concerning montage. 

What is "montage is conflict"? 


This director's favorite Hitchcock movie is The Birds. 

Who is Akira Kurosowa? 


Some components of this genre include femme fatales, fatalism, and the use of black and white (shooting a film at night). 

What is film noir? 


These are the names of the two short stories written by Akutagawa that are the adaptational basis for Kurosawa's film. 

What are "In a bamboo grove" and "Rashomon"? 


This animal is often associated with Nosferatu; both literally and figuratively. 

What is a rat? 


These are the seven types of methodologies used in classic soviet montage. 

What are: attraction, metric, tonal, rhythmic, over-tonal/associational, intellectual, and vertical?  


The name of the 19th century Scottish folk-song the children sing in the schoolhouse in The Birds.  

What is "Wee Cooper O'Fife" or "Risselty Rosselty"? 


An early twentieth century art movement that emphasized the artist's inner feelings or ideas over replicating reality, and was characterised by simplified shapes, bright colours and gestural marks or brushstrokes.

What is German expressionism? 


Kurosawa would film directly facing this object, so that the lighting in the forrest would be multilayered, and so it could "blind" the viewer. 

What is the sun? 


This specific type of bird appears as the main symbol in Coleridge's "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner". 

What is an albatross?