Correct the sentence:
He said her that he loved her.
He told her that he loved her
This type of TV drama, often featuring emotional storylines and cliffhangers, is known for its long-running episodes.
soap opera
"Coronation street" is commonly referred to as...
Write the sentence in Reported Speech.
1. 'I feel ill.'
Sandra said ______________________________.
Sandra said she felt ill
If an actor makes the audience believe their performance, their acting is this.
The storyline is set in a (2)______ town called Weatherfield, located in Manchester.
7. 'What’s your name?'
The police officer asked me ______________________________.
The police officer asked me what my name was
Write down the appropriate word:
If a show is "on air," it means it is doing this.
to be broadcast
It is hugely popular with the audience around the world, from ... to...
NewZealand, Canada
Write the sentence in Reported Speech.
6. 'It will rain on Tuesday.'
The weather forecast said ______________________________ on Tuesday.
The weather forecast said it would rain on Tuesday
What is weep? What is break down? (the difference between them)
If a character cries intensely in a sad scene, they do this.
If someone falls apart emotionally, he/she does this.
The first Glastonbury Festival took place in this year.
Write the sentence in Reported Speech.
3. 'I studied music for five years.'
Alex said ______________________________.
Alex said he had studied music for five years
A difficult situation that is hard to escape is called this.
What are fence-jumpers?
This nickname was given to people who illegally entered the festival by jumping over the fence.