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what is a film director?
A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic.
How to be a film director?
Some film directors started as screenwriters, or actors. Other film directors have attended a film school to "get formal training and education in their craft".
Which country can director been working at?
All the countries, the whole world.
how many hours does a director work per day?
It depends on actors. If the director does not satisfied with the actor's acting, they will work more hours.
Will you be healthy if you are an director?
Directors always stay up late, so many directors are not very healthy when they retire.
who could not do this job?
Someone does not have patience, leadership, and imagination.
How many years are they going to study in the school?
A full degree course can be designed for up to five years of studying.
what factor can effect director's work?
- environment - mood - all the actors
How much money can a director make from making a film?
That will depend on how much money can you get from investors and how many people will come to see that film.
Does a director has bioclock?
They need to work very hard. When they are making a film, they usually get up very early. Their everyday life will become very orderless.
who would want to do this job?
Someone who likes photography or to be a leader.
What will they learn in the film school?
Film students generally study the basic skills utilized in making a film. This includes, for example, shot lists and storyboards, blocking, protocols of dealing with professional actors, and reading scripts.
What environment should the work place have?
The environment depends on what kind of film are you making. When you make a very romantic film, you will need the environment to be very quiet and has beautiful views.
When does directors usually retire?
Many directors retired until they can not work anymore. Some directors has another job, film director is a side occupation.
Will this job mess up your everyday life? how?
When you making a film, you need go around the world to find the beautiful views. If you have a family, you can not stay with they very often.
who does not want to be a film director?
Someone does not like to do tired jobs or become the leader in a team.
what transfrable skills are helpful?
To be a good director, the skills that will be helpful are: Psychology, sociology, economics, linguistics, history, mechanical, aesthetics, art, literature, venture capital investment, to understand the business negotiations, to write a business plan, to understand the conversation
Where does film director work?
The cast, on the set, home(individual), outdoor(To collect material)
How many days does a director work every week?
When the directors needs to make a film, they must work everyday. They can go on a vacation after they make that film.
what are the pros of the directors?
-you can be creative -you can create something that only is yours -you can use your imagination -you'll get famous -you have a lot of famous actors around you -you get paid a lot of money if your films are successful
What are the differences between director and scriptwriter?
The scriptwriter is the dreamer that conjures the imagery, the story, and characters. The director is the engineer that brings those elements to life using craftsmanship and technology.
How to get value experiences in everyday life?
You need to get value experiences over a long period of time, and try out hard, observe life details, watch talk shows about film.
What is the difference between working individual and working in groups?
Working individual can find some inspiration but I will be more difficult to work. Working in groups will not be so tired but it is hard to make all opinion unify.
Does directors have year-end bonus?
They only can get money by making film, because directors usually do not join any business.
What are the cons of directors?
-its stressful -it requires a lot of skill -you don't get paid much money when your films aren't successful