whose genetic DNA template was used to create the clones
Jango Fett
what is the car brand of the time machine
what color shorts did Rocky wear in his first fight with Apollo
red, white, and blue
San Diego
what was the first Star Wars theme park ride called
Star Tours
what does Marty McFly say when things get difficult
Whoa, this is heavy!
how does Apollo Creed win the fight in Rocky l
a split decision
who gave the Avengers their name
Nick Fury
what author wrote the books that the Jurassic movies are based off of
Michael Crichton
the original Star Wars movie was changed in 1997 to imply that this person shot at Han Solo first
what is the song that Marty and his band play for the dance auditions
Power of Love
which movie does Mickey die in
Rocky lll
who was the first main character to die in Infinity War
In Jurassic Park 1, why is the tour cut short
tropical storm
what is the shortest movie in the Star Wars franchise
Solo: A Star Wars Story
what are the four years to which Doc and Marty travel
1885, 1955, 1985, 2015
what is the name of Rocky's dog
in Jurassic Park 3, what does Billy steal
raptor eggs
what movie starts with the scrawl reading, "War! The Republic is crumbling..."?
Revenge of The Sith
what is the name of Marty's band
the Pinheads
in which round did Rocky regain his title against Clubber Lang
15th round
what does Dr. Strange use to control time
The Eye of Agamotto
according to Muldoon, at what age does a velociraptor become lethal
8 months