film sound production
Digital Audio
This is Spinal Tap/ A street car named desire
Top Secret/ Three nights of the Condor /Michel Chion

Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:

What is non-diegetic sound?


a zero or a one in binary code

What is a bit?

a periodic wave whose waveform (shape) is the trigonometric sine function.

What is sine wave


A special feature the Nigel Tufnel's amps have, that sets them apart from any other band.

What is "these go up to eleven"?


A character that embodies silence, and is killed in this movie for being too noisy. 

What is a cricket?


the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality.

What is foley?


the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.

What is sample rate?


Recording studios sound-proof their recording spaces to avoid this sometimes unwanted naturally occurring effect. 

What is reverb, what is echo, what is delay?


A famous singer that Spinal Tap's limo driver boasts as better than all.

Who is Frank Sinatra


when we hear a man shot, a glass door break, or the fall a young fan it is an example of this audiovisual concept coined by Michel Chion 

What is acousmatic?


deliberately added in sound-effects editing in order to provide an acoustic space around the rest of the dialog and sound effects.

What is room tone, ambience, prescence?


a circuit or instrument for producing an alternating current or voltage of a required frequency

What is an oscillator?


 a measurement of the amount of energy transferred by a wave

What is amplitud


One of the ways that Spinal Taps's drummer were killed

what is choke by vomit, spontanious explosions, wierd gardening accidents?


The noise in the machines as the people in the office are being shot is an example if this term coined by Michel Chion.

What is anempathetic sounds?


Dialog that cannot be salvaged from production tracks must be re-recorded in this process.

What is ADR, looping?


the result of recording with too high a gain level or boosting pre-existing audio too much.

What is Digital Clipping?


A soundless room 

What is anechoic chamber? 


Confused Nigel Tufnel confuses these two terms in a mayor prop set.

What is inches with feet?


A musical instrument used in the romantic scene of the three days of the Condor.

What is the Saxophone?


A term used in film production when a shot is filmed without any sync sound (or any sound).

What is MOS?


the frequency whose cycle-length (or period) is twice the interval between samples

What is Nyquist Frecuency?


 It's an important method in the science of audio and acoustics measurement that allows the decomposition of signals into their constituent sinusoids, enabling analysis in the frequency domain.

What is FFT, Fast Fourier Transfer?


An narcotic used in parts of the film to create a segway between scenes and climaxes in a comedic fashion as we hear Derek Smalls blow his nose.

Who is cocaine?


In the movie top secret, the filmmakers make fun of this term coined by Michel Chion, while Nick Rivers plays an acoustic guitar and sings a song to Hillary.

What is Synchresis?