Film History
Early Cinema
Silent Film
Early film is a result of A. Inventors B. Artists C. Actors D. Filmmakers
What is inventors
First film in America was a 6 second film called?
What is Fred Ott's Sneeze
During the first decade of silent films the movies were A. projected using only the kinetoscope B. all about love C. short in duration D. included comedians only
What is short in duration?
Well known for his physical comedy during the silent era and recurring character he played called the tramp.
Who is Charlie Chaplin?
Which movie is credited as being the first talkie film? A. Fred Ott's Sneeze B. A Trip to the Moon C. The Jazz Singer D. It's a Wonderful Life
What is The Jazz Singer?
Early invention that consisted of a circular drum with slits and created the illusion of movement. A. cinematographe B. kinetoscope C. zoetrope D. photographic gun
What is Zoetrope
He invented the kinetoscope.
Who is Thomas Edison?
Early Lumiere Brother films depicted A. Everyday life B. historical events C. Children playing
What is everyday life?
Known for his physical comedy and risky one time stunts during filming.
Who is Buster Keaton?
What issues were faced by actors when talkies started?
What is some actors lost their jobs because the audience didn't like their voice (accents, different languages, hoarse voice)?
This photographer created movement with images by setting up 12 cameras along a track, tied strings to the shutters which were tripped as the horse ran down the track. A. Thomas Edison B. Louis Daguerre C. Lumiere Brothers D. Eadweard Muybridge
Who is Eadweard Muybridge
This invention is similar to present day slide projector.
What is magic lantern?
What is known as the first western movie? A. Cops B. The Great Train Robbery C. Butcher Shop D. A Kid Auto Race in Venice
What is The Great Train Robbery
The genre consisted of exaggerated actions, and dramatic expressions
What is slapstick comedy?
Many filmmakers were hesistant to make talkies because
What is it took away from the visual storytelling?
The first movie studio in America was called?
What is Black Maria?
These French men modified an American invention to create a better camera that could project and it was portable.
Who is Lumiere Brothers?
One of the first science fiction films A. Wizard of Oz B. Metropolis C. A Trip to the Moon
What is A Trip to the Moon?
Give 3 Characteristics of silent films.
What is accompanied by live music, used narration cards, usually in black and white. Story told through visuals and exaggerated actions.
Is one of the first feature length science fiction films. A. The Great Train Robbery B. Metropolis C. A Trip to the Moon
What is Metropolis?
This motion picture camera was bulky, couldn't be moved and was limited in what it could do.
What is kinetoscope?
The Silent Film Era was from ____ to ___. A. 1890s-1920s B.1890s-1940s C.1890s-1950s
What is 1894-1929?
He directed the film, A Trip to the Moon.
Who is George Melies
This director made films during the silent and talkie error, but even after sound was added he relied heavily of visual storytelling and felt dialogue was secondary.
Who is Alfred Hitchock?