Film Production
More Style

A film production system based on assembly line production, talent contracting, studio genre specialization and style.

What is the studio system?


This expressive style emerged during the heights of the industrial revolution as an alternative to arts focusing on religion, myth and folklore.

What is realism?


A self-effacing form of storytelling, that draws on general tendency in art to hide the means of its making in favor of the impression that the world it represents exists on its own.

What are the principal formal characterisitcs of realism?


A theory primarily concerned with the way the in which viewers engage with cinematic texts.  

What is spectatorship theory?


Sound whose sources are visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film.

What is diegetic sound?


A term used to describe a studios takes ownership of one or more of stages in the supply chain - production facilities, distribution networks, and theaters -  allowing them to monopolize the industry and dictate which films were made, how they were distributed, and where they were shown.

What is vertical integration?


This film style presents a coherent organization of time and space, involves the creation of character types with recognizable personalities and needs, a linear narrative of actions, reaction and results that moves toward the resolution of familiar problems and issues.

What is cinematic realism?


Formally, this style often calls attention to itself through a high degree of quotation, homage, borrowing, copying and otherwise recycling previous work.

What is post-modern film?


A theory that encompasses a range of concerns related to the representation, production, and reception of women in film.

What is feminist film theory?


The name of a standardized system of film editing that organizes film elements so that the film reality corresponds to the audience’s reality and no individual element calls attention to itself.

What is continuity editing?


Anti-trust legislation, growth in demand for films, the stars seeking independence from studios, rise in production costs due to growth in trade unions, import taxes on Hollywood films abroad, interest in European art cinema, suburban development, television.

What caused the demise of the studio system?


A historical form that questioned the independence and wisdom of the individual, and rejected the conventions of 19th century art?

What is modernism?


Collectively, Dadaism, Surrealism, Constructivism, German Expressionist, Soviet Realism represent this type of approach to filmmaking?

What is Avant-garde film?


The belief that race is socially constructed and systematic are central tenets of this theory.

What is critical race theory?


The practice of referencing, borrowing, or incorporating elements from other films, texts, or cultural sources within a movie's narrative, visuals, or themes.

What is intertextuality?


An era that brought about a period of transition and experimentation in filmmaking, fostering creativity, diversity, and a departure from the rigid studio-controlled system that characterized Hollywood's earlier years.

What is new Hollywood?

(or post-studio system)


A noticeable storytelling process and the exploration of the interior, subjective life of its characters.

What are the two basic features of modernist art?


This style is characterized by the use of techniques of collage and montage, and presenting fractured, unpredictable characters.

What are the stylistic features of modernist film?


A concept that describes the ways in which women are represented in film from a heterosexual, male perspective.

What is "the male gaze"


The processes by which we are “stitched into” the story-world, or “fabric,” of a film.

What is 'suture'?


MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers, RKO and Columbia, Universal and United Artists.

The "Big Five" and the "Little Three": these major studios had significant control over the production, distribution, and exhibition of films during the Studio System era/Golden Age of Hollywood.


This film has a character-driven narrative, explores socially relevant themes, utilizes location shooting and takes an auteurist approach to tell its real life story?

What is Gloria?


A period of social life and a style orientation expressing the fragmentary nature of social life in a global era.

What is postmodern style?


A theory that presumes that audiences bring their own perspective to the interpretation of the film rather than letting the technical and institutional aspects of filmmaking shape the understanding of film 

What is active (versus passive) spectatorship? 

The types of shots used to introduce viewers to Jeff Jeffries as he scanned the activities of his neighbours in the opening sequence of Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window.

What is an eyeline match?

1/2 points for continuity editing.