Camera Movements
Shot Types/Angles

This camera movement involves rotating the camera horizontally on a fixed axis, often used to follow a subject or reveal more of the scene.

What is a Pan?

This type of shot is framed very closely around a subject's face, often used to capture emotions or reactions.

What is a close up?


This technique uses a series of quick cuts between scenes or shots to show the passing of time or the progression of an idea. It is usually set to music.

What is a montage?


his term refers to the sounds that are added in post-production to enhance the audio experience of a film, including footsteps, doors creaking, and ambient noise.

What is foley?


This component of mise en scène involves the clothing and accessories worn by characters, which can reveal their personality, status, or the film's time period.

What is costuming?


This technique involves moving the camera vertically up or down, which can emphasize the height or depth of a scene.

What is a tilt?


This angle places the camera below the subject, making them appear larger or more imposing.

What is a low angle?


This term refers to a sudden, jarring transition from one scene to another, often used to shock the audience or create a dramatic effect. YouTubers use it a lot.

What is a jump cut?


his lighting technique uses diffused light to reduce harsh shadows and create an even, flattering look, often used in beauty shots and romantic scenes.

What is soft lighting?


This term describes the visual elements and layout of the settings and props used in a film, which contribute to the story and create the film's atmosphere.

What is set design?


his camera movement involves physically moving the entire camera along a track, often used to follow a character or explore a setting.

What is a dolly shot?


This shot typically shows a subject from a distance, providing context by capturing the environment around them.

What is a long shot?


This term describes the process of arranging and assembling shots in a specific order to tell a story or convey a message.

What is film sequencing (or simply sequencing)?


This lighting setup involves using three different light sources to illuminate the subject from different angles, typically including key light, fill light, and back light.

What is three point lighting?


This element of mise en scène includes the visual arrangement of objects, people, and spaces within a frame, affecting how the audience perceives the scene.

What is composition?


This movement describes the camera's shift in position while remaining focused on a subject, creating a sense of movement through space.

What is a tracking shot?


This angle involves positioning the camera directly above the subject, often used to make the subject appear small or vulnerable.

What is a high angle?


This editing style involves creating a seamless flow between shots by matching actions or visual elements, often used to maintain continuity.

What is a match cut?


This type of sound originates from within the world of the film and is heard by both the characters and the audience, such as a character’s dialogue or background noise.

What is diegetic sound?


The distance between people, props, and scenery, both in relation to one another and the camera. Much like shot blocking, it can tell the audience a lot about the tone of the scene and the status of the characters. 

What is shot blocking?


In this camera technique, the camera is mounted on a steadicam or gimbal to create smooth, fluid motion, often used to follow characters through complex environments.

What is a steadycam shot?


This shot captures a scene from the perspective of a character, allowing the audience to see exactly what the character sees.

What is a Point of View (POV) shot?


This editing technique involves cutting between two or more scenes happening simultaneously but in different locations, often used to build tension.

What is cross-cutting (or parallel editing)?


his lighting style is characterised by high contrast and deep shadows, often used to create a dramatic, mysterious, or suspenseful mood in a scene.

What is low key lighting?


This technique involves using a single colour or a limited colour palette to dominate a scene, often to create a specific mood or to highlight particular aspects of the narrative.

What is a monochromatic colour scheme?