Mise en Scene
This place is where filmed action occurs, which has been built for use in the film, or a location, which is any place other than a film studio that is used for filming.
What is a setting?
Unexposed and unprocessed influences the finished look, including its sharpness of detail, range of light and shadow, and quality of color. Often professional cinematographers use different types in different parts of the same shoot to support certain effects
What is film stock?
It comes directly from a light source, such as the sun or a clear incandescent electric bulb. It is bright and harsh and creates unflattering images.
What is hard lighting?
In films they take the form of dialogue, monologues, or narration.
What are spoken words?
The most basic unit of editing is a piece of continuous film or videotape depicting an uninterrupted action or an immobile subject during an uninterrupted passage of time.
What is a shot?
Depending on its needs the settings may be limbo (indistinct), realistic, or nonrealistic.
What is the scene?
Generally, it creates larger movie frames and sharper projected images.
What is a wider film gauge?
It comes from an indirect source. It is flattering because it tends to fill in imperfections in the subject’s surface and obliterate or lessen sharp lines and shadows.
What is soft light?
Although spoken words can be extremely expressive, many films and many film scenes rely heavily on ________ and use only limited spoken words.
What are visuals?
A section of a narrative film that gives the impression of continuous action taking place during continuous time and in continuous space consists of one or more shots.
What is a scene?
Settings often reveal the time and place of a scene, create or intensify moods, and help reveal what people (in a documentary film) or characters (in a fictional film) are like. Throughout a film, changes in settings can also mirror changes in __________ and moods.
What is a situation?
Film and video images can be scanned or transferred into it, changed there, and transferred back to film. It can be used to modify colors and contrast (digital intermediate), correct errors, and change the images in ways impossible or more troublesome and costly to do with film alone.
What is a computer?
Lighting that involves little illumination on the subject and often reinforces a dramatic or mysterious effect.
What is low-key?
They have many options in manipulating sounds, such as playing them backward, playing them faster or slower than they were recorded, constructing them, and blending them in different proportions.
What are sound effects specialists?
Editors can use one or more of many possible _____ between shots, such as a cut, lap dissolve, or wipe. Depending on conventions and context, it can be used to convey or reinforce information or moods. For example, often a lap dissolve suggests that the next shot takes place at a later time or different location—or both.
What are transitions?
Considered to be stars these Method actors, character actors, or nonprofessional actors. There is some overlap among these categories: a star, for example, may also be a Method actor. Depending on the desired results, actors may be cast by type or against type.
What is a performer?
Its associations vary from culture to culture, and its impact depends on context—where and how it is used. It may be saturated (intense, vivid) or desaturated (muted, dull, and pale); and can be used to create or intensify countless possible effects.
What is color?
Lighting that entails bright illumination of the subject and may create or enhance a cheerful mood.
What is high-key?
It may serve countless functions, such as to mirror a film’s central conflict, direct viewers’ attention, establish place and time, suggest what a character feels or an animal is like, and cover weak acting.
What is music?
It is achieved in filming and editing by using eyeline matches, the 180-degree system, and other strategies. The aim is to make sure viewers will instantly understand the relationship of subjects to other subjects, subjects to settings, and each shot to the following shot.
What is continuity editing?
They must usually perform their scenes out of order, in brief segments, and often after long waits.
What is a film actor?
Mainly for reasons of economy and convenience, more and more movies are being filmed in __________ and transferred to film for theatrical showings, though the results do not yet match the detail and nuance of the best film stocks.
What is high-definition video?
Light reaching the subject—for example, from below or from only one side—can change an image’s moods and meanings.
What is direction?
It may be used in films during dreams, to suggest dying or death, or to interrupt the regular rhythm of life’s sounds.
What is silence?
Usually, fast cutting is used to impart energy and excitement. Slow cutting may be used to slow ______ or help calm the mood. Editing usually condenses time (for example, by cutting a dead moment), but it can expand it—for instance, by showing certain fragments of an action more than once. NOTE: These two words help manage the mood and the length of the film.
What is pace?