it's "The cure for insomnia"
what is the longest film in the world ?
It's "Grey's Anatomy"
which is the series with the most episodes ?
it's "Fresh Guacamole"
what is the shortest movie in the world ?
It's "Sweet Tooth"
what is the most viewed series in 24hrs ?
it's "Singin' in the rain"
what is the funniest movie in the world ?
It's "Pinwright's Progress"
what is the first series in the world ?
it's "Titanic"
what is the most expensive movie in the world ?
It's "Most Shocking"
what is the most shocking series ?
It's "Superbabies"
what is the most hated movie in the world ?
It's "Game of Thrones"
what is the most hated series ?