Kdo hraje v MARVELU Black Widow? Who plays Black Widow in MARVEL films?
Scarlett Johansson
Jak se jmenuje sova Hrryho Pottra? What is the name of Harry Potter's owl?
Kolik sérií má Lucifer? How many seasons does Lucifer have?
Jak se jmenují sestry Barta? What are the names of Bart sisters?
Lisa and Maggie
Jak se jmenuje sestra T´Chally? What's name of T'Challas sister?
Jak se jmenuje otec Draca Malfoye? Who is Draco Malfoy's dad?
Lucius Malfoy
Kde se odehrává děj Stranger Things? Where Stranger Things takes place?
Hawkins, Indiana
Kdo je soused Homera? Who is the name of Homer's neighbor?
Ned Flanders
V jakém filmu se poprvé objevila Wanda Maximoff? In which film Wanda Maximoff make her first appearance in the MCU?
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Od koho má Harry Potter jizvu? Who did Harry Potters scar?
Kdo je kamarádka Alexi Mendosi? Who is Alexa Mendosa's friend?
Katie Cooper
Jak se jmenuje Simpsnovic pes? What’s the name of the Simpsons’ pet dog?
Spasitel/Santa’s Little Helper
Ve které fiktivní zemi se odehrává film Black Panther?In which fictional country is Black Panther set?
S kým Harry bydlí ve světě mudlů? Who was Harry living with in the Muggle world?
Kdy byl založen Netflix? What year was Netflix founded?
Jak se jmenují sestry Marge? What are Marge's sisters' names?
Selma and Patty (Patricia)
Jaký materiál se nachází ve Wakandě? What materialwe can find in Wakanda?
Kdo zabil Bellatrix Lestrange? Who killed Bellatrix Lestrange?
Molly Weasley
Jak se původně jmanoval Netflix? What was Netflix originally called?
Kdy vyšla první epizoda Simpsnových? In what year did the first episode of The Simpsons air?