This is a sign that a patient with cardiogenic shock may be going into multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. 

What is an elevated serum creatinine level.


When a patient attempts to use their PCA pump multiple times in a short period of time. This is why you should assess them for substance addiction. 

What is patients who are addicted to alcohol and benzodiazepines can develop a cross tolerance to analgesics. 


This psychological theory represents a patient that has a history of divorce, job loss, family estrangement, and cocaine abuse. 

What is learning theory. 


This is how posttraumatic stress disorder and adjustment disorder differ.

What is PTSD results from exposure to an extreme traumatic event, where AD results from exposure to normal daily events. 


When a patient is diagnosed with a personality disorder that incorporates low self-worth, difficulty making decisions, and avoidance of responsibility. This is how you could explain their childhood nurturance.  

What is exclusively from one source, and independent behaviors were discouraged. 


The new onset of this in a patient who was admitted after 4 days of vomiting and diarrhea need to be reported to the health care provider. 

What is confusion. 


A patient who is self-medicating with cocaine after a divorce defines what kind of addiction. 

What is psychological addiction. 


A patient who is agitated pacing the unit states I could buy and sell this place, and their mood fluctuates from laughter to anger. This is how you would chart this behavior. 

What is agitated and pacing, exhibiting grandiosity, mood labile. 


This is the first action when using a nursing diagnosis of complicated grieving. 

What is assess the stage of grief the patient is in. 


This is an assessment question that you would ask a patient who has petechiae on both arms. 

What is do you take any medications containing salicylates? 


The first thing you would do if your patient developed respiratory distress and syncope after eating a specific food is. 

What is administer epinephrine. 


This is the nursing action should be prioritized in a client with schizophrenia who has bizarre behaviors and delusions. 

What is note escalating behaviors. 


Thesis present in during a manic episode but not a hypomanic episode. 

What is psychosis. 


These are symptoms of somatic system disorder. 

What is anxiety, seeing several healthcare providers simultaneously, overmedicating, and vague symptoms. 


This is the signed document that would be required before a bone marrow biopsy. 

What is an informed consent form. 


This is what you would do for a patient who comes to the ED with suspected neurogenic shock. 

What is administer atropine, obtain a temperature, provide oxygen, and prepare for intubation. 


This would alert the nurse to question a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder. 

What is having auditory hallucinations for the past 3 hours. 


Patients who are hoarders usually feel they are this. 

What is a perfectionist. 


This is why patients with dissociative identity disorder switch personalities when confronted about their actions. 

What is serves to isolate painful events so the persons awareness and anxiety decrease. 


This would be a good lunch choice for a patient with iron-deficiency anemia. 

What is turkey on whole wheat bread. 


These actions would help limit the development of systemin inflammatory response syndrome in hospitalized patients. 

What is early ambulation, using aseptic technique when manipulating invasive devices, removing foley catheter as soon as possible, and give antibiotics within 1 hour for patients with possible sepsis. 


This is what you would do if a depressed client refused treatment. 

What is accept their decision. 


At this point a patient should seek treatment for their anxiety. 

What is when it becomes out of proportion to the stimulus causing it or when it impairs function. 


This is the best approach to maintain a therapeutic relationship with a patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. 

What is be firm, consistent, and empathic while addressing behaviors. 


This is a nursing intervention of high priority when caring for a patient in sickle cell crisis. 

What is evaluating the effectiveness of pain medication.