Lab Values
Eyes and Ears

What labs measure kidney function?

What is BUN, Creatine, and GFR?


When caring for a patient with a total hip arthroplasty what is the priority nursing intervention?

What is prevent dislocation through maintaining abduction? Example- abductor pillow/


Which tests require the use of a tuning fork? 

What is the Rinne and Weber tests?


What manifestations of shock appear in a patient's vital signs? 

What is tachycardia, elevated respiration rate, and hypotension?


What blood type is the universal donor? 

What is O negative?


Aplastic anemia is associated with what type of labs?

What is low values- WBC, RBC, Platelets BUT elevated iron-binding capacity? 

Bone marrow appears pale, fatty and fibrous.


What are manifestations of increased ICP?

What is dilated, nonreactive or sluggish pupils, change in mental status- lethargy? 

Cushing Triad is late sign- bradycardia, Cheyne stokes respirations, hypertension. 


What is consensual response? 

What is when a light is shone into one eye and both eyes constrict?


Where do we check the pulse in a patient experiencing shock?

What is carotid or femoral?


What patient population is at the greatest risk of developing folic acid deficiency anemia? 

What is pregnant women and alcoholics?


When a patient has osteoporosis what lab value is low?

What is Calcium? 

Normal Calcium is 8.5-10.3.


What are nursing interventions for a patient with a DVT?

What is limited activity until ordered otherwise, administer analgesics and anticoagulants, elevate extremity,  and monitor coagulation studies- such as a platelet count/ INR/ Ddimer?


Provide eye patch education to a patient.

What is rest, do not exercise either eye, no TV or reading?


What is the earliest sign of shock ( during the compensatory stage)?

What is tachycardia?


For a clotting disorder what would a nurse administer?

What is FFP and pooled platelets?


What lab values indicate anemia? 

What is low hemoglobin and low hematocrit? Remember genders.

Normal values 

Hemoglobin- Males 14-18, Females 12-16

Hematocrit- Males 40-54%, Females 36-48%


What are precautions for a patient with thrombocytopenia?

What is no flossing- use water pick, electric razors only, soft bristle toothbrush, avoid contact sports, cluster blood draws, avoid IM injections?

Monitor for black tarry stools, ecchymosis, petechiae, and coffee ground emesis. 


List common changes in a patient's vision and hearing as they age.

What is decreased lacrimal secretions, distorted depth perception, yellowing of the lens, presbycusis, presbyopia, decreased peripheral vision, intensified glares? 


When a patient has received a snake bite what should the nurse do? 

What is immobilize area, keep patient calm, lower extremity from heart, determine the need for antivenom and tetanus shot?


When transfusing a patient with blood and they begin to itch and develop hives what should the nurse do?

What is stop the transfusion, call md, administer antihistamines, resume transfusion, and monitor? 


What labs indicate the presence of potential bone tumors?

What is elevated ALP and elevated Calcium?


What is Pseudobulbar effect?

What is wen a patient alternates between periods of inappropriately laughing and crying?


What is a positive result of the Tensilon test? 

When a patient experiences a temporary increase in muscle strength?


What are manifestations of an infected wound? 

What is purulent drainage, red swollen tender skin around the wound (periwound)?


What are manifestations of anemia? 

What is pallor, fatigue, elevated respiration rate, clubbed finger nails?