What do the labs of a patient with thrombocytopenia look like?
Platelet count < 150,000.
What is transfused to treat a clotting disorder?
Fresh Frozen Plasma or pooled platelets
A patient with hemophilia is experiencing sever pain. What pain medication class would be administered to treat the pain?
To avoid dislocation of a hip arthroplasty the nurse should include what precautions in the plan of care?
Hip abduction, nothing greater than a 90 degree angle.
What is the window of time allotted for a thrombolytic medication to be given?
4.5 hours
What do the labs of a patient with anemia look like?
Female- Hemoglobin <12
Hematocrit <36%
Male- Hemoglobin <13.5
Hematocrit <41%
When a patient has a splenectomy they are at a greater risk of developing what illnesses?
Meningitis, Pneumonia, Hib
What patient population is at the greatest risk of developing Folic acid deficiency anemia?
Pregnant women and alcoholics
A patient with HIV should be taught to do what daily at home to monitor illness?
Take temperature daily.
Remember armpits and genitals should be washed with antibacterial soap daily, dishes should be washed in hot, soapy water, litter boxes should be avoided, and toothbrushes should run through the dishwater to disinfect.
What medication is given for an ischemic stroke?
Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)
What serum labs indicate bone cancer?
Elevated Calcium and Elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
What are manifestations of Aplastic anemia?
Bone marrow that is pale, fibrous, and fatty. Low CBC levels (Panocytopenia)
During a blood transfusion if a patient develops hives and pruritus what should the LPN do?
Stop the transfusion, notify the MD, administer antihistamines, resume transfusion, monitor patient.
When a patient has thrombocytopenia what precautions should be taken
Soft bristle toothbrush, water pik (no flossing), avoid IM injections, cluster or avoid blood draws, monitor for dark tarry stool, avoid NSAID use.
Which type of CVA has the poorest outcomes and largest neurological deficits?
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
What do the labs of a patient with osteoporosis look like?
Decreased Calcium <8.5
What are manifestations of increased intracranial pressure?
Dilated sluggish or non reactive pupils, lethargy, irregular respirations, widening pulse pressure, bradycardia (VS are late signs)
List manifestations of anemia.
Increased RR, increased HR, clubbed nails, fatigue, palpitations, pallor.
What are manifestations of oral Candidiasis (Thrush) in a patient?
White creamy patches/ covering tongue and buccal membranes.
List manifestations of hypothyroidism.
Bradycardia, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain.
What labs monitor kidney function?
BUN, Creatine, GFR
What is the primary complication of a patient with MG that a nurse must monitor for?
Respiratory difficulties.
To help patients with nausea that are receiving chemotherapy the nurse should instruct the patient to do what?
Drink a carbonated beverage one hour prior to meals.
To slow the progression of osteoarthritis what interventions should the patient be educated about?
Maintain healthy BMI (18.5 and 24.9), perform routine exercise that is easy on joints- example swimming, not jogging
Manifestation of MS.
Nystagmus, vision problems in one eye, weak, numbness in extremities, Pseudobulbar disorder (PBA).