Aspects of a business plan
The 4 p's
Political and economic systems
Economic process
Business Characteristics

First section of a business plan; highlights proposed business and financial data; should convince the audience to read the rest of the plan

What is Executive summary?


The difference between the amounts of money it costs a company to manufacture a product compared to the cost they charge customers for it.

What is Mark-up percentage?


Highly centralized government in which citizens have no influence on laws of the government and freedoms are highly restricted; includes communism and fascism.

What is Totalitarian Government?


Stage of business cycle that promotes little confidence in economy, limits spending, increases unemployment (this step of the business cycle can be skipped) . 

What is Depression?


Pyramid expressing the needs of people in levels: basic needs, safety, belongingness, love, esteem and self-actualization. 

What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?


Second section of a business plan; includes details such as business type, business philosophy, product description, self-analysis, trading area analysis, market segment analysis, and analysis of potential location

What is Business Description and Analysis?


Specific group of customers a company attempts to aim their products at.

What is Target market?


Government in which citizens can influence laws of the government and are allowed certain rights and freedoms; includes presidential and parliamentary democracies

What is Democratic Government?


Stage of business cycle that promotes high confidence in economy; increases spending; lowers unemployment; provides numerous jobs; “Business is Good”.

What is Prosperity?


Businesses which develop products for distribution from raw goods.

What are Producers?


Third section of a business plan; includes details concerning proposed organization, proposed product, and proposed marketing plan.

What is Organization and Marketing Plan?


Allows customers to purchase a product and then pay the price off in payments, with interest rates applied.

What is Financing?


Total market value for all goods and services produced within a country during a specific time period.

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?


Stage of the business cycle that displays increasing confidence in economy, increased spending and decreasing unemployment.

What is Recovery?


businesses which move finished goods from one business to another by buying, storing and reselling goods; often referred to as "middlemen".

What is Intermediaries?


Fourth section of a business plan; includes sources of capital and projected income and expenses

What is Financial Plan?


The four components of the marketing mix are all directly related and reliant on one another.

What is Interdependence?


Non-intervention by the government.

What is Laissez-faire?


Stage of business cycle that decreases confidence in economy; reduces spending; increases unemployment.

What is Recession?


Department responsible for maintaining the employment process, training and developing staff and following laws and proper procedures.

What is Human Resources?


Fifth and last section of a business plan; includes business communication documents, marketing documents, and legal and miscellaneous documents

What is Supporting Documents?


Defines the key management decisions needed to be successful in marketing

What is Marketing mix?


Economy based on competition, supply and demand, individual rights, and economic profit.

What is Market Economy?


Comprised of four stages: Prosperity, recession, depression and recovery

What is the Business Cycle?


Process of recording, classifying, summarizing and reporting the financial position of a business.

What is Accounting?