What are the three options for experiment assignments?
1. Random
2. Lack of random assignment
3. No assignment
What are the three techniques associated with non-experimental design?
What is internal validity?
The validity of inferences about whether the relationship between two variables is causal.
What is the definition of within-subject design?
Individuals experience all experimental treatments (i.e., all levels of the IV).
What is the last step in research?
In research design, operationalization refers to what?
The procedures needed to measure or manipulate the constructs.
What does operationalization refers to in research design?
The procedures needed to measure or manipulate the constructs.
What is external validity?
The validity of inferences about whether the relationship holds over variations in persons, settings, treatment variables, and measurement variables.
What is the definition of between-subject designs?
Individuals experience only one experimental treatment (i.e., one level of the IV).
How many factors (IVs) there are and how many
levels there are for: 3 x 4 x7
3 (IVs)
The first factor has 3
The second factor has 4
The third factor has 7
What are the two options for manipulation?
1.Experimenter manipulates independent variable(s) (IV) to examine effect on dependent variable(s) (DV)
2.No treatment/manipulation
What is the first step in the research process?
Identify an idea and searching the literature to form the research question.
There are nine threats to internal validity. What is the definition of maturation?
Naturally occurring changes over time could be confused with a treatment effect.
What is one advantage and disadvantage of Within-subject design?
Advantage: Each person serves as his/her own control
Disadvantage: Probably have to counterbalance
What is the criteria to establish causation?
What are the four reasons why researchers ask questions?
1. Exploration
2. Description
3. Explanation
4. Prediction
What are the three things needed for a randomized experiment?
–Random assignment
–Experimenter manipulates IV
–Good control over other variables
What is the threat of validity?
Specific reasons why we can be partly or completely wrong when we make inferences on the basis of research.
When examining a graph for Main Effects, how should the lines look? How do the Interaction lines look?
Main Effect-Line are parallel
Interaction-Lines are not parallel
What are the 9 threats to internal validity?
1.Ambiguous temporal precedence
9.Additive and interactive effects of threats to internal validity