Send/Receive $
Account Setup
Compass -- TXNs
How does a customer view a transaction they’ve made on a guest account?
Upgrade WAX Account
A customer funded their most recent transaction with their bank instead of their card. They would like to cancel this transaction and have their NSF fees refunded. What do you tell them?
Representments (74674) NSF Fees (1265492) NSF Fee Template (1264561/1220356) NSF Fee – Unauthorized (1235580)
How does a seller request money?
Invoice (1227730) Money Request (1220284) Mobile Money Request (82630) Haven’t Received Money from Request (70538)
100% of each transaction being held for 30 days is called a _______ reserve.
Rolling Reserves Talking Points (1261052) Why are there Reserves on the account? (1245228)
Where do you locate billing agreement and subscriptions?
Transactions – Payment Status – Take Action Products Info Cancel Billing Agreement (1218464) Cancel Subscription or Recurring Payment (1210150)
Can a customer downgrade their Business Account to a Personal Account?
Downgrade (1213807) Can’t Downgrade (1213880)
What is the difference between an eCheck and an Instant Transfer and how are they each funded?
eCheck (1218553/13054) Why hasn’t eCheck cleared (1213884) Instant Transfer (1218554) Instant Transfer Refund (1218546)
List the different methods to add and confirm a bank.
Add Bank Campaign Funding Choices -- Add Bank Customer add -- IAV Confirmation (75607) Random Deposits (1218483) LexisNexis Verify PayPal Account (1213890) Remove Sending Limit (1220382) Unable to Confirm Bank (1213877)
What are the criteria to release a payment on S2F holds and how does it differ from ALH?
Identify Payment Hold Types (1246510) Funds Availability Overview (1203990) eBay Funds Availability (S2F) Below Standard Account Flags (1237761)
A customer has clicked a link in a SPOOF email and entered personal information. How did you identify the email was fake and what actions need to be taken?
Name exactly as it appears on the PayPal Account Provides a link and requests PII Information Not Spoof (70354) Spoof (1218530) Fake Email Identified (1218529)
What are the 3 different types of PayPal accounts and the differences between them?
Personal (Buying) Premiere (Buying + Selling) Business (Buying + Selling + Business Name + Multiple User Access) Account Types (1220360)
A customer would like to set their Discover card as the primary funding source instead of using their bank. Describe the funding hierarchy and how the customer could go about selecting their card.
How is Transaction Funded (1218526) Change Payment Method Bypass Default Multiple Currency Balances
Why would a customer need to complete Link and Confirm and how is the process initiated?
Customer Failed CVV2 Verification 3x Link and Confirm (1218480)
“Each time I try to make a payment I am told I am going to get a phone call…” What is the customer going through and how can you assist?
Auth Flow (1249562/1210260)
What is an ACH Return and how can you confirm what type it is?
ACH Return Procedures and Talking Points (92285) ACH Return Codes (73593)
What does a customer click in order to reset their password? What Compass flow would you use to assist a customer with resetting their password?
Forgot? Accessing Accounts – Instant Password Recover Password (1213820/1213819)
How would you advise a customer if they want to withdraw $620 of $1000 from their PayPal balance?
Lift Withdrawal Limit (70052) Withdraw to Bank Withdraw by Check (1213842) Debit MasterCard (75698) Reset Withdraw Limit (204838)
What options does a customer have to add money to their PayPal account?
Add Money from Bank (1220385) PayPal MyCash Card (1258907) Green Dot MoneyPak
A buyer states they are receiving an error that asks them to use a different funding source. After going through the Payment Issues flow you find that Risk Model is not declining the transaction. After further investigation you find the code 51 in the CC Transaction Log, what does this indicate?
Card is declining the payment
What is the difference between an Order and an Authorization and how can they be voided?
Order/Authorization (75214) Void Order/Authorization (1213865)
What are the initial limits when a customer first opens a PayPal account and how are they lifted or reset?
Sending Limit: $10,000 – Become Verified (Add Bank or PayPal Credit Product) Withdrawal Limit: $500 per Month – Resets on the Anniversary of when PayPal Account Opened Benefits to Becoming Verified (1213890) How to get Verified (1213839) Remove Sending Limit (1220382) Lift Withdrawal Limit (70052)
What are the fees associated with sending and receiving money?
2.9% + .30 to Receive for Goods and Services and all Credit/Debit Card Free for Friends and Family (from Balance or Bank) P2P – Personal Payments vs. Purchases (90361) Cross boarder fee of 1% Currency Conversion Fees – 2.5% + wholesale rate - - (1213870) Fees (11927)
A customer states that they sold an item and are missing a payment, what Compass flow would you use to find their missing funds?
Payment Status -- Find Missing Received Funds Account Setup -- Confirm Email Manually Confirm Email (1209876) Confirm Email - Customer (1218481) Unclaimed Payment (1213866) Claim a Payment (75942) Can’t Cancel an Unclaimed Payment (1213879) Mobile Unclaimed Payment (1221744) Claim Mobile Payment (75765) Cancel Unclaimed Payment (1213793) Cancel Unclaimed eCheck (1213791) Seller Provided Wrong Email in eBay Auction (1206853)
A customer is trying to make a purchase for $800 and Risk Model is declining the transaction, what options can you provide to troubleshoot?
Pirate Flag in APSToolbox Add or Confirm Additional Information to the Account Use Consistent Computer/Browser Risk Model Talking Points (88857)
What action can you take on a payment that is on hold due to an ACH Return if a Seller is eligible for SPP and provides valid tracking showing that the item is being shipped to the address provided in the Transaction Details?
Release the funds to the Seller by clicking CANCEL in the Transaction Log